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Deciding on a new dripper.


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Just thought I'd ask some opinions. For one, I don't have much money. I have my eye out for a new RTA, but I'll have a few bucks extra and thought I'd go for a new RDA. I rarely drip, but I want that option. I already use VTC4s, and have about five 22mm mech mods.. all Stainless. I know all about safety, etc... I currently run a .5 ohm squape clone, .4 ohm for my fogger v4, and am looking at doing some dripping on the side. My next big purchase will be for a 100w or above that uses two 18650's. I have $100 saved for my vape budget, $50 will go for the new squape clone that Focal just put out, but it's $28.79. That leaves $21.21 for a new dripper and/or extras...

Now, background aside, what do you think of these options:

TOBH clone.... Doesn't have a #notaclone which is actually a plus for me. Very good priced and might be able to add a coil building rig + carrying case for my current mods.

Plume Veil clone... looks like it might be a bit easier to setup, but it looks like there's a limited space inside for the wick.

Plume Veil clone... VERY cheap... fairly basic as far as drippers go. Aluminum might be better to bore out the hole if need be. Only has one O-ring, so I am concerned it might wobble.

Mutation X clone... Won't have to drill out the airhole, but I will have to drill out the center post. Also, it also has only one o-ring.

Between these three, which one would you suggest? After suggesting one of these, if you have any other suggestions, let me know. Location and wait time doesn't bother me, since I'm not a full time dripper.


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Hold off on cheap and get an inexpensive authentic mutation x.


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Well, That would probably push it back a half a year. I use gift cards any time I order online... kind of a "security feature". I don't like to send CC information to china, so I buy gift cards... The squape clone is over $25, so I have to get a $50 gift card... so, the extra money is what I'm deciding on spending. If the authentic would be under $21.21, then yes, I'd get authentic. but that's not an option here.


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Damned close I think stateside vendors they are 25-30 bucks.

Out of the bunch the plume veil if it is plated and not painted you might have some success, or the tobh if the holes are somewhat decent then glory... keep ot cut the flange on the deck and add some more holes for wider airflow.


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I know.. After I get my regulated mod, that was on my "to do" list to get.. since i do like to support the Original creators if their prices are reasonable, and theirs is. However, my goal is to not spend but a certain ammount/month including juice. So far, stayed less than half under budget of when I smoked the stinkies. Dabbling with DIY juice right now, but haven't fully taken the plunge yet. Got pure PG, Pure VG, and flavorings.. just haven't bought nic yet. So, I modify ready mix juices... Much cheaper that way, and will get even cheaper when I go full DIY. But.. until then, still have to stay under budget. :)


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Hey if you have a dremmel and press you can get the tobh and make mutant poor mans mutation.


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If you have a paypal account you can order from china and not send your CC info (most vendors).
I have used PP for years and never had my info compromised.

I'm in the same boat want a new rda, it's up in the air between a stilaire and hobo... no clone for the hobo yet.


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I only have a TOBH out of the ones you listed, but it has sat collecting dust since getting the magma, best dripper I have got, easy to build on and produces great flavor, I'm not a cloud chaser and don't think the magma would be classed a great cloud chasers dripper, but it does produce great flavor and it has a deep juice well, so don't need to be dripping as often, oh and they are cheap ;)
My favorite drippers at the moment are the TOBH V2 (don't have the clone but have used one, biggest difference I could see were the post holes on the clone are smaller, can be fixed if you have a small drill), Mephisto (ugly as sin, wish I got the clone instead lol, but those post holes are huge ), and the CLT (I got the V1 I think, works a treat and great for the price. Post holes are a tad small but pretty average)

Here's the CLT V2 link:
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Yeah, I wasn't all that impressed by the CLT V1 but the V2 looks like a winner.
I think I'm ordering that this week, that DT is sick!

Cloudy Peak Vapes

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I only have a TOBH out of the ones you listed, but it has sat collecting dust since getting the magma, best dripper I have got, easy to build on and produces great flavor, I'm not a cloud chaser and don't think the magma would be classed a great cloud chasers dripper, but it does produce great flavor and it has a deep juice well, so don't need to be dripping as often, oh and they are cheap ;)
OP, I'm kinda in the same place as you, I have plenty of tanks, and I really don't like my only dripper. It's an igo w, though, so basic, and I feel the need to find out what the fuss is all about.

I've heard the same about the magma, @Nailz I'm not a chaser, I just want flavor and a deep juice well. Any clone brand suggestions for when I'm able to get one?


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I have the magma and origen and both are great attys, both from FT. I like the magma more because of the air flow ports but it is a little leaky from juice splattering down them. Nothing terrible or anything but the origen is a cleaner atty, other than setting it on its side will not leak.

I just want a cloud atty for when I'm in the mood.

Magma's 510 is longer than just about any atty but if your mod is adjustable its no problem. Fits well in my 4nine with a purple 35a but auto fires with my vtc5.

Nothing out of the norm with the origen
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@fq06 I have an origin clone... I hate the hell out of it air flow wise.. among other gripes. I have my ideas to improve it a ton but just cannot be bothered with doing it on a 15 buck chunk of failure.

Now it it was at some of the authentic prices I am sure I would have taken someone to small claims over it.


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I drilled the big holes out a little oversized and it gets enough for the size of the origen chamber... at least for me.

Also, for the magma, throw a kayfun tank oring under the airflow ring.
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with that ring I am seriously tempted to bore a 4th hole directly across from the single and one in the cap..
If I want air flow the ringless airflow is pretty decent. Just wondering what a third set of hole and the smaller ones bored out the same size would be like.

Cloudy Peak Vapes

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Hearing about the magma being messy bums me out. That's another aspect of dripping I don't like. I feel I always have to eye my igo to make sure it's not messy. Nothing's perfect, especially in the vape world, though. I have so many kayfuns now, I'm not in a hurry, and I still mess with my igo sometimes. Again, I think I just feel like everyone seems to drip, so I must be missing out on something. All the cool kids are doing it.

OP, I hope you find what you want.


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Igo... W I think was my first dripper and I leaked like a sieve. Hated it. Omega is nowhere near as bad. It will just barely seep and most of it stays in the ring (as long as you have that oring in there... also tightens it up). Just need to pull the ring and wipe it every onc3 in a while.

If you are going low and throwing a lot of juice off the coil, that may make a mess but that's not the point of that dripper. I don't really build below 0.6 on it.

I haven't been dripping much since I got a orchid, just as good as either of those drippers vape and flavor and its a tank.


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Honestly the IGO is perfect to see if you really like dripping.
I like the air flow but try to strike balance between fog and flavor but that is just me.
my main work horse is .45ish my plume veil I just got working like a champ is .24.

Cloudy Peak Vapes

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I've built dual to .3 once, aside from that .6 a few times, and usually the igo lives at .8. It has the air holes drilled out, too. I think I'm gonna keep holding off on a dripper, but who knows. It definitely doesn't fit my work lifestyle, again, I just feel like I'm missing something. I appreciate the advice, hopefully the OP got some of this good info, too.


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One's that I love are the Plume Veil, Magma, Zenith. To me, the Mutation X is rubbish if you are not a cloud chaser....the top cap "wings" should have been milled at the same angle as the air hole pattern.
One's that I will be purchasing over the next day or so: 454, Veritas
I tend to remove the air flow rings on the Zenith and Magma, and do not use drip tips on my Plume Veils


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For sure, my drippers don't leave home. I know a lot of people drip on the go but its just too much shit to deal with. And there are tanks out now that vape almost as well to just as well as a dripper anyway.

I now mainly use my dripper if I'm feeling a little schizophrenic and want to vape multiple flavors in a night... wicks are just easier to change and less wasted juice.


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Yeah, the mutation didn't make sense to me either with the holes and the flange behind them not matching up.

I have noticed a few people (a couple in this thread alone) run the magma without the ring but the air flow hole is the same size as the big hole on the ring right? Curious as to what is being gained... maybe I should just go grab mine and find out I guess o_O


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Rumour has it that the Veritas is pretty much drip/leak free providing you dont drip more than 8-10 drops at a go, and can even be left on it's side.


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Yeah, the mutation didn't make sense to me either with the holes and the flange behind them not matching up.

I have noticed a few people (a couple in this thread alone) run the magma without the ring but the air flow hole is the same size as the big hole on the ring right? Curious as to what is being gained... maybe I should just go grab mine and find out I guess o_O
What is gained is a similar issue with the Zenith. Unless the tolerances are quite tight, the ring can creep around a bit. In the case of the Zenith, you gain a third hole.


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I am ordering a mutation x soon so I can't comment on that, but I absolutely love my plume veil. The airflow is amazing and you can use it in dual or single coil setup. I'm not sure about that specific clone I rarely ever order from fasttech but the plume veil clone I got from focal has been great!


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Plume Veils are a cracking bit of design! As far as the Mutation X, if you want clouds, they are ACE...but you do have to hit the beans out of them if you want any flavour. I start to get good flavour at about 6 holes total...but that combines to the same net circumference as most other two hole aside from the clever design, I'm just at odds over what I'm gaining.


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What is gained is a similar issue with the Zenith. Unless the tolerances are quite tight, the ring can creep around a bit. In the case of the Zenith, you gain a third hole.

Ahh, the ring on the magma creeps around?
That's why I put a kayfun tank oring under it in the oring groove that's machined into it strangely without an oring. Perfect fit and resistance.

That kayfun oring keeps it in place till you spin it ;)

Cloudy Peak Vapes

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For sure, my drippers don't leave home. I know a lot of people drip on the go but its just too much shit to deal with. And there are tanks out now that vape almost as well to just as well as a dripper anyway.

I now mainly use my dripper if I'm feeling a little schizophrenic and want to vape multiple flavors in a night... wicks are just easier to change and less wasted juice.
Sounds like me, dripping annoys me, and I'm gathering no dripper has a big enough juice well to eliminate that annoyance long enough for me. Plus I have dogs, and always wash my hands when liquid gets on them so that further complicates things. If I'm not gonna get more flavor than my kayfuns, there might be no point. And I'm always schizo on juices lol, that's why I have my 5th and 6th Kayfuns in the mail ATM. Right now I've got four filled with four flavors. I can re wick so fast at this point, plus rayon allows for easy flavor changes of similar profiles.


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Plume Veils are a cracking bit of design! As far as the Mutation X, if you want clouds, they are ACE...but you do have to hit the beans out of them if you want any flavour. I start to get good flavour at about 6 holes total...but that combines to the same net circumference as most other two hole aside from the clever design, I'm just at odds over what I'm gaining.
The bottom post fed airflow is brilliant but honestly they could be placed higher up IMHO out of the barely deck clearance.


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Rumour has it that the Veritas is pretty much drip/leak free providing you dont drip more than 8-10 drops at a go, and can even be left on it's side.

Yup. I have the 1.1 clone ordered but it wont ship out till the 6th of next month. I'm real excited about that. It is only about $9 from FT and it also already has a big air hole in it. And you can drip right through it. Can't wait to try it out.


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More time with it now and I'm really impressed. It really didn't lose much if any flavor compared to my kayfun or orchid tanks... 26g is the lowest I have but I can tell I am leaving some on the table. 6 wrap around 3/32 is coming in at 0.43 and it needs to go lower but I don't want that small of a coil so...
24g & 22g are on the way from temco :D

Really tight tolerances and nice machining, best quality I've seen from infinite so far.

I'm curious about the two mini holes that flow through the negative posts. That brings air up through the center and not really past the coils. I'm sure there was a reason they put them there... just leaves me scratching my head :confused:

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Hearing about the magma being messy bums me out. That's another aspect of dripping I don't like. I feel I always have to eye my igo to make sure it's not messy. Nothing's perfect, especially in the vape world, though. I have so many kayfuns now, I'm not in a hurry, and I still mess with my igo sometimes. Again, I think I just feel like everyone seems to drip, so I must be missing out on something. All the cool kids are doing it.

OP, I hope you find what you want.

The Magma (as fantastic as it is for taste) will leak if you drip directly into it and if you do not tuck both ends of your wick into the well. Its biggest negative is it's leak prone if dripped in from the top , (mainly because most miss the well dripping this way ) the liquid tends to get all over the sides instead of down into the well , if you unscrew the top and fill that way it never leaks .

I have yet to have my Magma leak at all when unscrewing and filling that way . It's worth it though because it produces incredible flavor and once filled it takes awhile to empty it.

Rumour has it that the Veritas is pretty much drip/leak free providing you dont drip more than 8-10 drops at a go, and can even be left on it's side.

The Veritas is as good as the Magma for pure taste if built right , far better than any other i have tried , make sure you get the 1:1 clone as it's head and shoulders above the other variants . If enough wick is in the well it won't leak at all .


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I am the only human that finds the Mutation X to be complete rubbish. I had it for three days then gave it away....but then I'm nae a cloud chaser.

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I am the only human that finds the Mutation X to be complete rubbish. I had it for three days then gave it away....but then I'm nae a cloud chaser.

If your after monster clouds there are far better RDA'a than the Magma and Veritas , some people are cloud chasers and for them many RDA's are a better choice for them . I judge dripper's purely on taste , thats my #1 preference , i can care less about clouds , if a dripper can provide me with the purest taste possible without muting anything i'm a happy camper.

I like the non traditional types that break away from the common three post designs , the Magma and Veritas fit the bill and the Origen is a little different as well (superb RDA by the way).

Bottom line is were all different and prefer different things , it's the type that comes in and says his is the best no matter what anyone else says that i could care less about.


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Just built a Veritas that I just received with a horizontal single .4 ohm micro build and am enjoying some "Coffee Cafe" by Refuge at 55w.


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Just built a Veritas that I just received with a horizontal single .4 ohm micro build and am enjoying some "Coffee Cafe" by Refuge at 55w.
Dude, the mutation x is perfect cloud and flavor chasers, to call it rubbish is incorrect,im currently vaping on the mutation XL...


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I'm not a cloud chaser, and to ME and how I vape, it is rubbish. I encourage those who ARE cloud chasers to give it a go.


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The CLT Is fantastic for the price ( own it, love it). I'll buy the Ver.2 sometime in the near future, but...uh....I just bought some other stuff....and....well....I keep telling myself that I won't buy anymore shiny things until, um Christmas...or my Birthday (February) ...because I need to show some restraint.....and stuff.


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i just got the infinite clt v2 and i must say it is i love it. lots of features. still playing with it.


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I wasnt able to decide, so i bought four drippers... That hit the spot. Spot being my wallet and girlfriends nerves.


Am I saying meow?
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I got my plume veil clone this week and have been loving it. Once I got it working it was great, however it took 1 canceled ebay order and 3 trips to the store (1 post not drilled through, 1 top air wholes couln't open, 1 base wouldn't thread). Now that it is working though, I love it. The only other thing I would point out is it fits about 20 drops. The tugboat should fit a lot more with the well being as deep as it is.


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Sounds like me, dripping annoys me, and I'm gathering no dripper has a big enough juice well to eliminate that annoyance long enough for me. Plus I have dogs, and always wash my hands when liquid gets on them so that further complicates things. If I'm not gonna get more flavor than my kayfuns, there might be no point. And I'm always schizo on juices lol, that's why I have my 5th and 6th Kayfuns in the mail ATM. Right now I've got four filled with four flavors. I can re wick so fast at this point, plus rayon allows for easy flavor changes of similar profiles.
I know, this has been a long time since this post was made. But, Sometimes, I want to know what the liquid tastes like from a warm vape. I ended up ordering the Tugboat and mutation X... both clones. Even though I do not cloud chase... I have a bottle of pure VG on my left, and a few ecig flavorings to my right, and I might just give a pure VG juice a go while seeing just how good a sigeli 100w can go.

For the most part though, I am a RTA person... Kayfuns, squapes, fogger, etc.


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