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DEEP BREATH....Ahhhhh....

z man

Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hi Everybody!....New here I quit on April 20,and feel great!....Bought a ego twist with clearomizer,some menthol juice and quit that day!....I woke up to that on the second day and hit that and could feel the lightness of the vapor and didn't cough!....For My birthday,I bought an Istick 30 watt and a "Big Dripper", some Unicorn milk....Yum! It is great to say I don't smoke!....Z


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Welcome to the Underground and congrats on quittiing the Stinkies!


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z man

Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I have jumped into this hobby with both feet!....Building with everything from Altoids to wood to die cast to plastic...I'm a proto-type metal model maker by trade so I can cut,whittle,bend,weld,mill,drill,turn,fabricate anything :rolleyes:!....Z

z man

Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
When I first started I had no idea the Vaping was so big!....I went to My go to place for info....YouTube!....All of the Vids,and People like Rip Tripper,and East coast Lou,TiaVapes.(Huba,Huba!)....I only have two B/Ms in My area,so I made the rounds asking for dead batteries,ego type for parts to build with....One place gave Me two ego batteries that didn't fire,turned on but didn't connect....Back to Y/T and with a scribe fixed them both by pulling up the center pin,like on the Vid!.....Another place had a dead 20 watt Istick and the Guy just gave it to Me! before,Y/T to find out how to fix....The #5 torx bit was hard to find but I picked up a set at Harbor Freight and ripped that Puppy apart!....The pos wire was shorting and must of killed the battery....I put a efest 2500 mAh battery in it and fixed the wiring,it fired right up!...The batt was charged up before I soldered it in and it vaped for two days with a clearo on it!..Then it went into lock mode at the end of the charge,connected the usb but no go,won't charge,so apart again,placed in the charger with the brain hanging on by the wires,charged up and again it lasted for two days!....I didn't want to keep doing that,so I bought a Istick 30 watt and a Big Dripper and been have a ball building coils and such! Now I have a Caravella mech mod clone,a Sidewinder,an E-pipe both from Smoktech,a Nimbus RDA,a 454 RDA,and two octopus clones!..When I figger out how to upload Pics I will post My Lil'monsters!....I'm going to put the Brain from the 20 watter and two Sony vtc 4 batteries in to a cast aluminum box from England,call "BimBox"....It's 100.0 mm x 25.0 mm x 50.0 mm using the top part with the 510 in it with the folding adapter on it too!....Z


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Welcome @z man .... I am glad you found us! I must say I am rather fond of your name as that was my nickname when I was was younger :)

Sounds like you dove in head dead to vaping and the mod world! The easiest way to post pics here on the forum is to sign up for a Photobucket account and upload them there and then link them using the image link icon that looks like mountains and a sun in a box in the options line up above the text box for posting...we all get a very limited direct upload space in our accounts as there is only so much room in the forum and eventually the old photos will be kicked out by the new is my understanding but you can link to a place like photobucket all you want because it's just loading images from an outside source and not saving them in the servers....hope that helps. once again welcome and congrats! :)


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Welcome to VU, vape on!

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