I've got a few rigs, but there are two "regulars" -- The eVic VT, usually with Crown tanks. That's the "Leave me alone for awhile so I can sit in the clouds" rig. The other one I that I keep coming back to I just scored last week -- The iJust 2 kit. Have several (iJust 2) tanks, but was having issues blowing coils & nasty dry hits on the eVic & iStick TC40W, so I figured I'd try my luck with *their* battery stick. At 0.5 ohm, it's suddenly my go-to pocket-portable. Freakishly cheap and surprisingly decent. Even @ 80VG/20PG.
If you go the iJust route, I'd highly suggest a spare tank or two. 1 ohm or so gives a relatively tight draw similar to a ciggy. 0.5 ohm or lower gives a nice, relaxed inhale right down to your core. I get in the mood to mix it up pretty frequently... I'm just about to get a set of Vaporesso 0.9 cCell coils (Google it...) and seriously looking forward to trying those in these tanks...
Bought the boxes locally -- Got the iJust 2 kit off ebay.