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Dinwiddie farming couple adds vaping to their diversified business


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On a stormy afternoon in their 1911 Sears farmhouse, surrounded by a small pack of dogs, they cite the numerous health benefits they have experienced and witnessed others experience as a result of using Alisa’s essential oil blends.

(Their joint relief blend, both note, is a particular star in their lineup of products, garnering eager testimonials and an unusually loyal following.)

Their sales manager, Keith Norris, a New York transplant who started out as a customer and then became so enthusiastic he joined the enterprise, added his voice to the chorus.

“Until you get accustomed to what the oils do, it appears to be miraculous,” he said.

Alisa and Sanford Strunk are, at first glance, an unlikely couple, describing themselves as Mulder and Scully, the famously opposite pair from “The X-Files.”In their case, the genders are reversed:

Alisa is Mulder, the believer. The sole proprietor of the Willows Bend business, she is passionate about natural treatments and the therapeutic alternatives they offer to conventional pharmaceutical medicine.

Her counterpart is Sanford: Scully, the skeptic. A trained chemist who, until last February, worked in the pharmaceutical industry, most recently at Evonik’s Hopewell plant, Sanford Strunk brought a scientific eye to his wife’s enterprise and a heavier focus on clinical trials and the science behind the anecdotal experiences.

Still, even that formulation is a little too pat: asked if he is still a skeptic, Sanford hesitated before replying, “Let’s just say that I lost my job in industry last February and now I’m all in.”

And Alisa is adamant and educated about both the research that has been done on natural treatments — much of it outside the United States — and the limits of the work that she does.

“I am not a doctor,” she said firmly. “It’s really important to make that distinction that I’m not curing anything.”

Still, she noted, “That being said,
I research, and I can recommend these treatments to clients.”

But "I can recommend these treatments to clients.” is doctor speak and it's making health claims!!!
How can these morons not see this???

Essential oils, she pointed out, are actually best applied topically or through inhalation.
And many of the people who take up vaping are either looking to ease off cigarettes in their journey toward quitting or to find a healthier alternative to traditional tobacco products.

What about THIS:

Many people with CF have turned to nebulizing essential oils, after being told that it has shown to kill pseudomonas in in-vitro studies.
I believe this is motivated out of 3 things: desperation, self advocacy or mistrust of doctors’ knowledge, and a sense of false trust that because it came from a plant, it cannot possibly hurt.
Unfortunately, this is a very dangerous thing to do.
According to specialists at a top CF clinic, the risk of lipoid pneumonia is very high.

Isn't nebulizing essential oils the same as vaping them?
Even worse you are adding heat to the mix.

"Ultimately, they produced a product that they said they believe is a healthier alternative to not only cigarettes but also the vapes produced by large tobacco corporations that derive their taste from food-grade additives."

So now your essential oils are "healthier" then all other Eliquid?
Don't you think the other eliquid manufacturers would already be using that shit if it was safer than food grade flavorings?

"Still, Sanford Strunk cautioned, “We really can’t make any health claims on our own.”

You just got finished calling eliquid a "treatment" and the word "treatment" refers to a health claim.

With plans aplenty between them — besides the range of products they grow and make, they are also closely involved in educational enterprises and hope to add a commercial kitchen for small producers to their property down the road —vaping will likely remain one sliver of their diversified enterprise.

You are making health claims, using essential oils instead of normal flavorings and thanks to the FDA you will be a "tobacco manufacturer" in 2 weeks.

Your vaping business will be gone just because of the health claims - 5150

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