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Do E-cigarettes Help You Quit Smoking?


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Vaping is like global warming
Some will prove their view no matter how much they have to lie

As for me I came from 5 packs a day to vape
I can breath easier and feel better daily
And my MD is very happy for me to vape instead of smoking ciggys


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I came from smoking 2 packs a day for over 20 yrs to vaping (3 yrs ago), and haven't touched a cancer stick to this very yes, vaping has helped me quit smoking, for SURE!! Lol

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk

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Was a 2 pack a day smoker from the age of 15 until I was 36. I tried gum, lozenges and welbutrin. Nothing worked.
I picked up vaping and shortly after I was done with the cigs.
I breather better, more active and my cooking improved.


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I do not use E-cigarettes.

I use electronic vaping devices. An E-cig is a cigalike to me.

It was not "helpful" but instead instrumental in allowing me to quit. No other "tools" from big Pharma could even compete.

But the many people like me, we don't mean a shit to the yip-yaps that run their pie holes about the evils of vaping. They all speak with a forked tongue, because it IS NOT about "health" but instead about MONEY.


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I really like this line. I think he stole it from me...

“Remember Big Tobacco?” questions Dr. Mendelsohn. “Now there is Big Vape. You have to keep in mind that a lot of the information is coming from the companies that sell these products.”

Almost every vaper I know in the US is a dual user, and they aren't limited to new vapers...


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Really? I know of very FEW people that smoke and vape.

Almost 100% of the vapers I know, don't smoke anymore.....
None of the vapers I know in the US are on vaping forums, nor hang out at vape shops, nor are into clouds, except for one who is a cloud chaser, but she alternates between smoking and vaping daily, it seems...


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Few are on forums, most hang at a shop at least a little bit, and 50/50 on clouds.

[shrugs] every area of the country is a little different.


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The amount of misinformation in that article is astounding.. It amazes me that almost every segment of the industry has been affected by people associated with one of two sides...

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