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Do we need another 20 years?


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Some of us may not have had another 20 years to wait around. My personal opinion is that no
harm of any great amount will ever be found in vapor products. Just look at the proportions of component ingredients to see why. PG/VG have been thoroughly studied for years and have never shown inhalation harm. Take apart a typical eliquid (using 10mg/ml nicotine for simplicity) and figure 10% overall flavoring which uses a 90% carrier base.

10mg/ml = 1% nicotine by volume
10% flavoring = 90% carrier + 10% flavor molecules = 1% pure flavor molecules

That 2% leaves us 98% PG/VG to make up the rest. How much harm can come from something thats mostly inert and the rest only makes up a tiny portion. Maybe if we were consuming hundreds of ml per day or if the flavor was pure diacetyl there might be some harm, but I'm still not buying it, they're looking for a needle in a haystack. Whatever miniscule amounts of volatile organic compounds, aldehydes, etc exist in vapor products pales in comparison with the thousands of toxic compounds produced by combustion.

The video was pretty good and showed cigarettes with 60 times more aldehydes and cigars with 100 times more.

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