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Do you think Big Pharma are worried ???


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None of their crap ever worked for me.

And Chantex need to be packaged with a razor blade so you can slit your wrist when the suicidal feelings start to kick in.

They really don't advertise that do they?

With vaping, in two weeks I as a non smoker.

What more needs to be said?

Smoky Blue

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None of their crap ever worked for me.

And Chantex need to be packaged with a razor blade so you can slit your wrist when the suicidal feelings start to kick in.

They really don't advertise that do they?

With vaping, in two weeks I as a non smoker.

What more needs to be said?

umm vape on?? :D


Will write reviews for Beer!
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Yes Miss Blue!

Vape ON!

Elmers White Paste E-Liquid 60/40 at 12mg of nic.

Attached to a blue Crayola Crayon mod:p


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Oh yeah.... they have seen the lost sales Im sure, but you know, they will keep selling their stuff. Just too many people here on this earth.


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w00tzz Blue clouds for me!! :D

Blue clouds, not Blu "clouds".....*hugs*



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I doubt there worried when it becomes regulated I'm willing to bet big pharma will have dip into it. I'm not saying that's a bad or good thing. Could be bad price wise. Though it might be good because the will have to produce research on flavourings.
Big Pharma looks to the left at his fat stacks of cash; looks to the right at his fat stacks of cash; looks back at you, with one eyebrow arched, and shakes his head no..


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Big Pharma looks to the left at his fat stacks of cash; looks to the right at his fat stacks of cash; looks back at you, with one eyebrow arched, and shakes his head no..

Well, one thing those with big stacks of cash worry about is KEEPING those big stacks of cash as big or bigger. Vaping has only skimmed off the top, yes, but it has in fact taken some cheese from the rats!

What's up, now, River Bottom!? :D


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Big pharmaceuticals have big lobbing $$$$$. They scare the hell out of me when it comes to vaping. The pharmaceutical company's are the force behind the stain on vaping world wide. All information that started the bad publicity towards vaping came from big pharmaceuticals.


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Damn right they are worried. They are as much behind the lynch mob as the big tobacco companies. Nicorette, Chantex, Wellbutrin, NicoDerm, etc. Big tobacco aren't the only ones losing money.
And in the future all the cancer treatment drugs the pharmaceuticals won't be selling.


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Just looking at the sign in the OP, it is so absurd! "Don't Vape, Quit For Good" by buying our nicotine? Uh, huh?! As if! Everyone I know (though I don't know everyone! LOL) that uses Nicorette has not stopped using it, or has any plans on not using it. ANd, of course, I hardly know any vapers (and I know a lot) that actually smoke! So they already have "QUIT"!!!
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Well, one thing those with big stacks of cash worry about is KEEPING those big stacks of cash as big or bigger. Vaping has only skimmed off the top, yes, but it has in fact taken some cheese from the rats!

What's up, now, River Bottom!? :D

What I'm saying Mr. Mann is that Big Pharma puts on giant raves, and invites all of Congress, Senate and whosits. Everybody gets a round in the money wind chamber, and they use tshirt cannons to shoot fat rolls of $100 bills into the crowd.


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What I'm saying Mr. Mann is that Big Pharma puts on giant raves, and invites all of Congress, Senate and whosits. Everybody gets a round in the money wind chamber, and they use tshirt cannons to shoot fat rolls of $100 bills into the crowd.

Damn, they still have raves? I hope I never see another glowstick! j/k. Hope all is well, homes!


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Don't vape; quit for good by misting. Um, say what? Somehow it doesn't surprise me. Interesting to see, though.

Big pharma has been worried for a very long time. Just look at all the uproar that was caused back in 2008 or so by Sen. Lautenberg (who got donations from big pharma) and look at who the groups opposed to ecigs (American Heart Association, American Lung Association, American Cancer Society, Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, AMA, etc) get money from. Hint: Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline. Looks like they're getting even more worried, which means they're going to fight even harder.

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