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doge v3 absolutely no flavour - (non fused) clapton coil


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Yesterday I purchased 4 premade not-fused clapton coils by Clean Coil Co. 26g wrapped in 34g, coming out to around 0.4 ohms. Since this is my first time with claptons i'm not sure if that's a hit or miss. I'm also running is on a regulated mod (kanger subox mini)

I also have a tugboat RDA (clone), and it works perfectly, Regardless of kanthal gauge, 2-3mm center, (average is 2mm), wicking, and juice brands.

I have used a regular 5 wrap coil with 26 kanthal wire, (mostly dual coils), but regardless of the build/wicking/saturation I still can't get a decent hit off the Doge V3. Vapour is somewhat poor, but the taste is non existent.

I'm fairly new to clapton coils, so I'm sure there's something I'm doing wrong that I can't see.

- dry burned my coils with juice after first wick installment was too thick
- change density in wick
- changed direction of the wick (on the side or under coil)
- changed wattage
- made coils burn properly by connecting them together with tweezers.

I apologize for a giant rant, but I was extremely excited to get involved with clapton coils, but this is a giant let down for me. If anyone has any advice I'd love to hear it and thankyou!
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In short, a Doge RDA is more suited for cloud chasing, rather than flavor. The Tugboat is designed for flavor. There's one chance though, in order to get better flavor, close down the airflow to where you get both out of it.


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The Doge line of RDAs is aimed at "competition" builders who are after clouds and not flavor. I've got a Doge x2 and if I really want to get crazy and fog up a room I'll use some 20g and throw it in there. I disappear in two pulls..

If your goal is flavor and you are using a Doge I'd recommend closing off the air..

Claptons can and do give off great flavor, but the RDA you've got there is meant to throw flavor out the window - it's for clouds.

Get you some max VG juice, a mech mod and 20G and you'll be setting off smoke alarms!


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