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Don’t stifle vaping - By Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.)


Under Ground Hustler
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This man:

      • upload_2015-12-10_10-53-39.jpeg
    Duncan D. Hunter
    United States Representative
    Duncan Duane Hunter is an American politician and member of the Republican Party from California who has represented San Diego County in the United States House of Representatives since 2009.

    Born: December 7, 1976 (age 39), San Diego, California, United States
    Parents: Duncan Hunter
    Office: Representative (R-CA 50th District) since 2013
    Previous office: Representative (CA 52nd District) 2009–2013

    From the United States House of Representatives who has himself quit smoking by vaping is telling the FDA "DO NOT Stifle Vaping"

    Maybe they should come down from their Ivory Tower and LISTEN - 5150


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I never thought I'd have anything good to say about this complete delta bravo who only got elected because no one in East County SD realized his father (also named Duncan Hunter) had retired. But good for him on this one... Wish he had more clout than it seems he does at this point.

fat fingered flubs courtesy dumb mobile phone


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I never thought I'd have anything good to say about this complete delta bravo who only got elected because no one in East County SD realized his father (also named Duncan Hunter) had retired. But good for him on this one... Wish he had more clout than it seems he does at this point.

fat fingered flubs courtesy dumb mobile phone
Seriously dude?....our fucking govenor is an anointed prince because his daddy was govenor.....moonbeam couldn't get elected outside of Ca....It irkes the hell out of the leftist vapers especailly the ones from California that support for vaping comes mostly from republicans while their own party makes the most hysterical and senseless narritives about vaping......

After all this is the state that gave the world such statesmen as
"We have to pass the bill to see what's in it" ....a quote that will go down in history as one of the most insane utterances given in the history of the republic.
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Member For 4 Years
Seriously dude?....our fucking govenor is an anointed prince because his daddy was govenor.....moonbeam couldn't get elected outside of Ca....It irkes the hell out of the leftist vapers especailly the ones from California that support for vaping comes mostly from republicans while their own party makes the most hysterical and senseless narritives about vaping......

After all this is the state that gave the world such statesmen as
"We have to pass the bill to see what's in it" ....a quote that will go down in history as one of the most insane utterances given in the history of the republic.
Totally serial, bro. Not that I've ever voted for Brown, or that I was even alive when his dad was in office. It irks the hell out of me that there's not bipartisan support for vaping (or support period - a few marginal figures on the right and virtually none on the left doesn't really give one party a huge leg up in my eyes), but I'm not sure that necessarily makes me a "leftist," unless that wasn't a direct jab and I'm just taking it wrong.

Having grown up in his dad's old district and still doing a lot of business there, I can say that my assertions about his election are anecdotally proven - I still meet people who think the guy's been in office since he was in grade school...
He wrote a good article...
I agree.

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