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Dramatic CCTV footage shows e-cigarette battery exploding in man's pocket


Under Ground Hustler
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Dramatic CCTV footage shows e-cigarette battery exploding in man's pocket - prompting storage warning from fire services

West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service said the explosion occurred when a spare lithium-ion battery in the man's pocket came into contact with another metal item, such as coins or keys.

Fire investigator Jamie Lister said: "This footage clearly shows the dangers of storing batteries alongside any metal objects, be it keys, coins, or even your phone if it has a metal case.

"This is not the first time we have seen injuries caused by a lithium-ion battery exploding whilst being carried in someone's pocket. We really want the public to understand the risks which can be easily avoided.

"There does not need to be a fault with the battery, the problem is the incorrect storage of the batteries."

E-cigarette users have been warned to carry batteries in a plastic case to prevent them short circuiting.

Mr Lister said: "There has been a marked increase in the number of fires we have seen, attributable to the incorrect storage of batteries.

"The use of rechargeable lithium-ion batteries is now commonplace in modern society and that's why we want people to be vigilant because a simple mistake could have a devastating consequence."

In the UK the news has no trouble telling the truth when some dumbass sticks a battery in his pocket with keys and change.

Why is it so hard for US news to tell the truth? - 5150


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
National news showed that and other clips, Our Governor here in NY is doing a plea for crackdown, I don't care for him at all, but he is right to ask why there hasn't been a recall on some of these batteries and why the Ecig advocates have been so silent about this.


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National news showed that and other clips, Our Governor here in NY is doing a plea for crackdown, I don't care for him at all, but he is right to ask why there hasn't been a recall on some of these batteries and why the Ecig advocates have been so silent about this.

Why do they need to recall the batteries when the problem is clearly on the user end? The Governor should be advocating proper storage of batteries rather than trying to regulate and ban them.The Telegraph article does a very good job of identifying the issue and offering a solution. Kinda surprising coming from the Telegraph but shit, even a broken clock is right twice a day.


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Yeah, I'm against legislation to address dumbasses that is sweeping and quite a slippery slope. Legislate, dominate.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Because some of them need to be. Cheap China knock offs would be a good start, and nope not arguing your point at all, I agree


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Because some of them need to be. Cheap China knock offs would be a good start, and nope not arguing your point at all, I agree
Ok sorry I misunderstood. If that what the Gov. is doing then he's correct.


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West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service said the explosion occurred when a spare lithium-ion battery in the man's pocket came into contact with another metal item, such as coins or keys.
At least these folks are honest enough to not call a bare, spare battery an "e-cig" and to point out that the problem is that people are carrying them in an inappropriate, unsafe manner. Probably because it's the UK where the goobermint hasn't declared a propaganda war against vaping.


Under Ground Hustler
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Every one of the cases that Senator Chuck Schumer from NY sites in every article I have found were all fake news stories where there were loose live batteries stuck into pockets with keys and/or change but the stories all call the batteries "ecigarettes".

There is NO ELECTRONIC CIGARETTE involved in ANY of the cases Chuck Schumer is using for his witch hunt.

Also according to the FDA it's ILLEGAL to change ANYTHING that was on the market before Aug 8th so even if this mythical "exploding ecigarette" were real it is against the law to put a safe battery in place of the exploding one.

Fake news story #1:

Fake News Story #2:

"With the industry blowing smoke over the danger of e-cigarettes, U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer Sunday called on federal regulators to recall the dangerous products, like the ones that exploded in the pockets of two men last month.

Even after e-cigarette batteries set two smoker's pants on fire within weeks in Manhattan, the government didn't crack down on what Schumer described as a "ticking time bomb."

Within the last two weeks, Otis Gooding, 31, and Ricardo Jiminez, 24, each suffered second-degree burns to their right hand and right thigh when a device blew up in their pocket."

Jiminez, an EMT, suffered massive burns Dec. 2 when a pair of e-cigarette batteries exploded in his pants pocket as he drove through Manhattan while off duty.

Ricardo Jiminez's "e-cigarette"


Otis Gooding's "e-cigarette"


I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but I do know that an RX200 takes 3 18650's and there are at least FIVE 18650's in the photo of this guys pocket contents.

There is also the change that dead shorted the 2 extra batteries RIGHT THERE IN THE PICTURE.

In conclusion Senator Chuck Schumer is using Fake News to drive an agenda and he is an idiot. - 5150


Under Ground Hustler
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Unlike Samsung Galaxy, FDA Regulations Don't Allow E-Cigarette Companies to Fix their Exploding Batteries

"At the same time, a number of e-cigarette companies have noted a similar problem with batteries in their devices, possibly related to a similar manufacturing defect. However, in contrast to Samsung, these companies are actually not allowed to fix the problem.


Because the FDA has prohibited e-cigarette companies from fixing exploding batteries - or any other manufacturing defect - in their products.

This unprecedented consumer "safety" regulation actually puts the public at great risk. No matter how many manufacturing defects are discovered, no matter how severe they are, no matter how easy they are to fix, and no matter how much the companies want to fix the problem to ensure the safety of their products, these safety improvements are simply not allowed, due to the stupidity of the FDA's e-cigarette deeming regulations."


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Thanks Tom, That just proves that both Shcumer and FDA can suck a bag of dicks

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