I'd like to chime in on this. I just got the Goliath V2 and I have the exact same problems as Rhyno636. I get hissing after a hit; sometimes I can take 3 or 4 pulls no problem, then, for no apparent reason I'll start getting dry/burnt hits, even if I allow it to sit for a few minutes... it's very unpredictable. So far I've tried cutting my wick so that I have a tail into the juice channel (like rudogg760), and I just clipped them so that the wick sits on the deck (i.e., like what Sully posted). I haven't measured the distance of my coils relative to the air holes or the screw heads, but I think it's somewhere in the middle. I'll vape between 25 and 45 Watts, although 25 seems to low. Currently I have a dual 26 gauge kanthal A1, 6 wraps. My juice is around 30/70 (PG/VG). Another symptom I have, and sometimes get with my Kangertech Mini's is popping and spitting, although not as bad as with the Kangers. I should also point out I'm fairly new to this, so I feel like this is an error on my part, but I have observed posts in various places online where others are having the same problem, and then I came upon this thread... so I'm starting to wonder where lies the fault. I'm going to re-read this thread when I get home and see if I can get something out of this that may help. I'd really like to love this tank; it's a beautiful piece. One thing I did find is that I can't tighten this thing down... it has to be just snug enough or else the AFC ring won't move without tremendous resistance. Maybe that's how it's suppose to be but it's definitely not as tight as my other 4 tanks, and have hardly any issues with them.