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E-cigarette advertisements are luring ex-smokers back to tobacco, warns Quit Victoria


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"E-CIGARETTE advertising has the power to drive former smokers back to real cigarettes, new research has suggested.

While debate rages about whether the battery-powered cigarettes are a safe or effective way to quit smoking, a study of 800 former smokers has found advertising for the products had the opposite effect.

Findings of the Cancer Council study have prompted calls to ban e-cigarette promotions in the same way tobacco advertising was restricted decades ago.

After showing 800 former smokers e-cigarette advertisements that had screened on television or online, the Cancer Council Victoria’s Centre for Behavioural Research in Cancer found their desire to start smoking normal cigarettes returned, as did an urge to use e-cigarettes.

Results published in the journal Tobacco Regulatory Science showed twice as many former smokers felt a desire to smoke after watching the ads compared to those who viewed promotions for other products, while a quarter felt an “urge” to use tobacco."

So no actual former smokers were "lured" into vaping or to smoking in this "study".

All they did was answer questions about their "urge" to smoke or vape.

The study was probably titled some bullshit like:

"Vaping advertisements increasing the urge to smoke in former smokers"

Which would basically tell the 800 respondents the exact answers that they wanted to hear. - 5150


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No advertising of e-cigs in the EU as of May 2016.
In the UK there is leeway for a corporate event.

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