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E-cigarette makers rush new products to market ahead of U.S. rules


Bronze Contributor
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Great reporting again 5150sick, Nobody lifts up the skirt and exposes the status quo like 5150sick.

Kick up your heels and relax while I pound the machine to peanuts

'laced with nicotine' Propaganda much Reuters? No wonder nobody turns to you for the gospel anymore; you're gone.

' . . . U.S. sales expected to reach $4.1 billion in 2016, according to Wells Fargo Securities'. Eat shit and die Wells, just exactly what is YOUR intere$t in vaping all of a sudden? Collude with the FDA much? btw, Wells is badly upside down again and will be the first to fail in another crisis due to their over-exposure to the energy sector. They're long oil and gas debt, whoops.

' . . . Reynolds and Altria . . . have the checkbooks and experience to navigate regulatory agencies.' Yep, nobody know$ the business of death like Reynolds and Altria.

'The e-cigarette market is suddenly getting more crowded.' Yeah, with more and more smart people who want nicotine but don't want to combust and DIE to get it.

blah, blah, blah, blah, blah . . . 'said Bryan Haynes, an attorney with the firm Troutman Sanders . . .' Why should vapers pay for white collar professionals to leach off of us? Because Zeller opened the leach floodgates to all the day job public health fuck faces and lawyers and politicians? These losers only have one interest---stealing money from the current vaping community. Fuck you white collar mother fuckers. Welfare for the upper middle class. Vapers ain't the bad guys, you dbags; sorry for the insult to dbags.

'Big companies may benefit.' Not exactly breaking news, Reuters, you globalist corporatist mouthpiece sellouts. Like I said Reuters is gone; any random gossip blog is a far superior source of information than Reuters.

'E-cigarettes are handheld electronic devices . . . Using them is called "vaping" . . . Reynolds American Inc, Altria Group Inc and Fontem Ventures, a subsidiary of Imperial Brands Plc, are among the leading manufacturers of the devices.' This is so stupid it's actually funny.

'The FDA regulations are expected to shutter many "vape shops" . . ' What, local people can't buy and sell vg and pg that change state from a liquid to a gas when heated with a little metal wire, but the big conglomerates can? You're goin' down Zeller, you corrupt corporatist hypocrite. He sees future nicotine users as a ripe cherry tree just waiting for his British and American hedge fund buddies to pluck, just like when he was at Glaxo over-hyping nicorette.

'The vaping consumer is going to be drowned in a lot of new products . . .' Pool's open, jump on in, the water's fine; you'll be swimming in new products.

'Altria spokesman Steve Callahan said the company was also mindful of the requirements of the new regulations and complying with the timelines the FDA established.' Steve Callahan was caught blowing Mitch Zeller at the FDA headquarters. There, fixed it for ya' . . .

The good news? 'The U.S. Food and Drug Administration . . .will allow e-cigarette devices introduced before the regulations came into force to be sold for UP TO THREE YEARS while companies apply and await regulatory review.' And sue the smithereens out of the FDA, and chuck Zeller back into the thieving baby boomer corporate hell hole from which he sprang.
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Bronze Contributor
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thanks gingerbread, it sounds intense, but it's supposed to be funny too


Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years
Eat shit and die Wells, just exactly what is YOUR intere$t in vaping all of a sudden?
It's not sudden. They've had an analyst by the name of Bonnie Herzog reporting on the industry for many years. Prior to the regulations, when she figured that vaping might displace half or more of traditional tobacco use in another decade, we were all cheering her on.

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