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E-cigarette market overgrown in Tulsa, shop owners say

Joshua Iles

Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Member For 3 Years
Haven't been to Tulsa in YRS and never as a vaper, but this doesn't surprise me, although I don't know if this is a good thing or not. We have a few chain vape stores in OK, and from what I've seen their prices on juice is fucking insane, although some of the "mom and pop" bnms I've been in to with ghetto mixing stations actually have good juices for a reasonable price, mod prices on the other hand were flat ridiculous, $100 for an istick 100w, even coming with 2 mxjo batteries that is just flat stupid to pay that much, that was in okc tho.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Member For 3 Years
--70+ area stores
--400,000 people in the city / 200 sq. miles
--1M people in the metro area


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
It depends on the FDA...
In my area Oakland Ca. there are much fewer shops, because smoking has been socially ostrcized we have fewer smokers, and so fewer people who turned to vaping to get of cigs, but within a 25 mile radius...maybe a dozen vape shops probablly less.within that radius only 1 shop is what I would consider a "good" vape shop with an experinced knowledgable staff, about 50 diffrent juice companies stocked, gear that goes from beginer to high end.a builder station....
In the same radius I can get cigarettes at every gas station,every corner market,every grocery store,there are alot of discount tobacco shop...but there is only 2 tobacconists whre I can get cigs from around the world...roll your own tobacco,pipes,pipe tobacco, and a wide range of cigars.....
given freedom...I would think that eventually every outlet that now sells cigs would eventually sell packs of coil heads for McNugget tanks, have one or two of the tanks, and a shelf of Mt,Bakers or uncle junks.....and then there would be a few rare Vape shops.....where the more passionate vaper would frequent.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Their juice is revoltingly sweet with sucralose, their flavorings are generic and not of particular high quality, their ingredients are not of particularly high quality, and they drench their juices with inexpensive artifical flavorings....sometimes you like a chili dog once in a while, but not a steady diet of them.I think their juice wouldn't be half bad if they toned down the amount of fkavorings they use and half the sweetner.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Many in the Tulsa area need to close
A lot have no idea about safty and some even make their juice in a closet in the back room
Vapor kings is one of the best at least they will show a new vapor how to use what they buy not like many of the shops
The prices do run very high they claim because of expenses but lets face it 19 dollars for 30ml is a little high considering it doesnt cost that much to make
All the above just drive local vapors on line to buy
So yes future shops closers are gonna happen

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