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E-cigarettes are of no use in de-addiction, says WHO


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I read that earlier today......"WHO"....World Health Oaf.....:crazy:

Rabbit Slayer

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Well, I'm going on 2 years and I am vaping the same amount of juice per month as when I first started...
On the other hand, when I was sick last year I stop vaping for 3 days,
something I never could done when smoking, I'd just suffer through the coughing fits cause I needed my nic-fix


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Member For 3 Years
Whether they are of use in de-addiction is debateable.

For me, personally, the answer is no, they are not. But I am comfortable with my use of nicotine. What I was not comfortable with after 36 years of smoking was the effects of inhaling smoke. This is no different than any other NRT. Lots of people who do manage to quit with nic gum keep chewing it indefinitely. So what?

OTOH, I do know a number of vapers who've slowly tapered down their nic levels, either to insignificant levels or all the way to zero. There's no other form of NRT that has the flexibility to do that.


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Whether they are of use in de-addiction is debateable.
For me, personally, the answer is no, they are not. But I am comfortable with my use of nicotine.

This, to me, points right to the real problem. They make no distinction between the addiction to cigarettes and the addiction to nicotine. They refuse to put any value in harm reduction whatsoever, which by association, one can only assume that they do not consider current smokers worth saving, only those who have yet to start.


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ECF Refugee
I have vaped for over 3 years now. Have reduced my nic levels from 18mg to .67mg over that time. I figure another year and I will be nic free. It has been my experience that I don't even notice when I reduce the level of nic as long as I do it in small increments. I never tell my wife when I do a reduction and she has never noticed either.


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Member For 4 Years
All I see is their comments get progressively more ridiculous.

They started out with "we don't know but it COULD be harmful" and when no one listened to that they went on to "save the children" and now it's "they don't work, they don't help, stahhhppp using them cause we said so dammit. Wahhh."

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