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E-cigarettes could be banned in US, FDA says


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Alright Cromwell :teehee:

Uh huh. Well the article was illustrating how the youngins is ruining it for all of us. At least that's what I seemed able to see it saying. So yeah, get the kids out of it, off the lawn damn it!

No bones to it, if Juul gets shut down then whoever the government bullies next will be as well. And no the government isn't openly seeming to try shutting Juul. Instead they're going after flavored juices. Well, that kind of dampens any market for Jull. Why would they sell unflavored kits that don't attract a higher profit margin when flavored kits get big money? So in one sense it'll be a starve out shutdown. What is spurring it is "oh my goodness teens are using Juul and getting flavored kits! Oh the humanity, this is a pandemic!" Which we might think is kind of silly at best, stupid if honest and not diplomatic. However it presents as yet another "shock & awe" fear prod to fuel a strategy of eliminating e-cigs, vaping.

No, I do not have human children. That's beside the point though. I would actually parent my human children. I would allow them to use no nicotine vaping when they got to sixteen or seventeen. Once they turned eighteen they could use nicotine as far as I would be concerned. Do not see where any research, genuine research not funded by political thank tanks, portrays that nicotine is any more harmful than caffeine. I think both need used in moderation if used. Of course, I also drink water and eat apple pie in moderation as well. Enough of anything is bound to cause a person trouble.

But no, the fucking nanny state wants to side with Big Tobacco, Big Pharma, Big Money and end the good of vaping. We'll continue seeing all these bullshit fear porn articles. They get fucking depressive, I ought to sue for mental anguish, if I keep thinking about I just might too. There's no further call for the government to hide the truth, hide the facts. Ah, but then i think folks vape Tide Pods too. Well, who knows?

I think that the Tide Pods incident was a falsified one. "Are you stupid enough to believe people are stupid enough to, ..." Well if it's asking if I believe then it admits it Be LIE VEsted for them to gain. So it's probably a dressed up lie so as to let them regulate because of course we want to save the stupid people. :facepalm::teehee::giggle::gaah::gaah::gaah::cuss2::cuss2::cuss2::facepalm:

Bah! I'll be in a damn mood, FTW!
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