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E-Cigarettes Could Be Behind Sharp Rise Of Successful Attempts To Quit Smoking


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Member For 3 Years
same here, i tried wellbutrin but it messed with my moods. haven't smoked in 2 yrs now


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Ditto for me too... smoke-free for almost 19 months now, after 39 yrs of smoking and 4 unsuccessful quit attempts. And I really hadn't even considered quitting, because I really didn't think I could -- I started vaping in Feb 2014, just trying to find a way to not have to go out and freeze on cold nights, and was astonished at what a great substitute vaping is, for smoking. And I've heard of quite a few who quit accidentally... because they forgot to smoke. :D

Great article -- tweeted, FB'ed, and G+'ed.


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