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E-Cigs Aren’t Always E-ffective


Under Ground Hustler
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This one is so horrible that i'm not even going to attempt to pick the whole thing apart but you all can help me.

I'll start:
NOTHING is "always" effective.

From vaccines to drugs NOTHING has a 100% success rate.

So why would scientists not only expect but demand 100% effectiveness from vaping? - 5150


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Four out of five physicians who answered the survey reported their patients were using e-cigarettes to stop smoking. Yet the physicians themselves didn’t believe e-cigs were as effective as other known treatments such as nicotine patches, nicotine gum or varenicline (Chantix).

Many doctors receive kickbacks from BP, so naturally DRUGS are the answer...thankfully WE know the truth.

The corrupt reporting, corrupt doctors, public officials has gone MUCH to far.


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Member For 4 Years
Just picking at a couple points:

There's very little data to support the notion that vaping helps people quit smoking.

They've been using this same, tired old line for years. This may have been true for first generation devices, which were effective for some, but not others. With current devices the chances of quitting are far greater; it seems that many in both medical and journalistic fields have not kept pace with a rapidly advancing technology.

About one-third said they would recommend them, one-third said they would not, and one-third did not know.

Translation: 1/3 are up on current knowledge, 1/3 are paid pharma shills, and 1/3 are clueless. Seems reasonable.

Megan Piper: "If they are unable to make the final shift from combustible to all e-cigarette use, then they really haven’t gotten the benefits of quitting smoking.”

This person totally doesn't get the idea of harm reduction... back to school you go, Megan.

Data shows that certain flavors that include diacetyl (buttery flavor) are related to significant lung problems.

Where is the evidence that any number of vapers have contracted popcorn lung from diacetyl-containing liquids? Cigarettes contain diacetyl in amounts hundreds of times greater and there is no widespread outbreak of popcorn lung among smokers, either. Just saying that something is remotely possible doesn't make it an epidemic, its fearmongering.

Dual Use: If a patient wants to try using e-cigarettes — e-cigarettes need to be a 100 percent replacement

No, every cigarette not smoked is a win, even if some smoking continues. See above Re: harm reduction.

There is an overwhelming amount of outdated data, poor scientific methodology, myths and outright lies that continue to propagate in regards to vaping, but properly conducted science, backed up by good data, will eventually come to light. In science, truth is inevitable.
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