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E-Cigs May Spur Teens to Try Smoking: Study


Under Ground Hustler
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"But because this was an observational study, the researchers couldn't prove a cause-and-effect link between e-cigarette use and smoking, Rigotti noted. They also couldn't say whether the kids who smoked had only tried one cigarette or had become regular smokers.

Gregory Conley, president of the American Vaping Association, a nonprofit that promotes vapor products, echoed Rigotti's points.

"As the authors of the study admit, no attempt was made to measure habitual or even past month usage of either product, so the result should be interpreted with significant caution," he said.

"Unfortunately, ardent opponents of vaping have a history of making wild and unsubstantiated claims, and this study will be twisted and used to push for unjustified excise taxes and small business-killing regulations," he said.

"While reasonable measures to control youth access are warranted, all policy decisions about vaping must consider not just youth, but also the adults who would otherwise be smoking in the absence of these innovative technology products," Conley noted."

So on the exact same day THIS study gets posted that "Busts Myth Of E-Cigarettes As Gateway To Teen Smoking":

The ANTZ post a "study" saying the exact opposite but in reality there is a bunch of could be's, maybe's, and potentially's from a group of "opponents of vaping have a history of making wild and unsubstantiated claims"

More lies funded by US the taxpayer to ban US the Vaper - 5150

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