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'Earth-shattering' blow to e-smoking Industry?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
This is absolute horseshit...this is like living in Soviet Russia, or Maoist China....where the goverment has become a fucking industry....where you have to pay off the state through taxes to beauracrats, and then the goverment creates "security companies" which you also have to pay off, .....then they spew out idotic slogans about public saftey...when in reality it's just another shakedwon scheme to enrich and employee the foulest most parasitic, most devolved members of our race...the goverment worker,,,,who have no qualms about securing a comfortable and protected livelyhood at the expense of stealing money and freedom from working people.....fuck this shit..revolution now.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Member For 3 Years
Member For 2 Years
Oh fuck yeah, Lets make alcohol more available even though we know it is addictive, kills people and destroys lives, and kill vaping, a product that most likely saves lives and will cut down on health care money. I don't see a problem with this logic.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So, what is the upsot of this...the upshot is that vaping will still be will be more expensive and many will return to smoking,that many many small bussinesses will close and only those with enough money to buy into the game called the economy will be allowed to play...this is handing the industry over to a handull of wealthy well connected people destroying upward mobility for the poor and middleclass....keeping the masses in their place.

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