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Effective July 26, Any Juice Sold in Non Compliant Container Prohibited


Under Ground Hustler
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The thing that gets me is Vendors are all shocked like this got sprung on them at the last minute.
It's called the child nicotine poisoning prevention act of 2015 and I have known about the law since 2015.

Vendors shouldn't get to play the "i didn't know" card on this one since I am NOT a vendor and I knew.

They changed the part where the old bottles can not be sold after July 26th now but if you are a vendor and you want to be taken seriously you should have had your shit in the right bottles 4 months ago when you learned which bottles were the right ones.

All of a sudden vendors are freaking out and some are totally clueless and didn't even know the law existed.

I'm sorry but if you can't use the proper bottling for this law in four months notice then what are you going to do on August 8th when they ask for a list of all of your juice lines, the names of every juice, nic levels and ingredients of each and every flavor?


If you can't even get the fucking bottles right you might as well just throw in the towel now and save the FDA the trouble of throwing the towel in for you.

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