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ELFBAR BC5000 Disposable Vape in Mint Tobacco flavor Reviewed


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ELFBAR BC5000 Mint Tobacco flavor Review

Being a disposable vaper over the past few years due to a flavor ban in my state of NJ, I have tried many disposable vapes. I really like these Elfbar vapes that come in a variety of flavors along with my Juul vapes. I love Juul vapes because they come in 3% Nic whereas most others come only in 5%, and have been vaping tobacco flavors which I love for way over 10 years. So when I need to buy more vapes I usually buy a few Juuls pods plus a few Elfbar BC5000 vapes.

What I like about the Elfbar BC5000 vape:

1 Large capacity 5000 puffs
2 Taste is a nice mix of tobacco and mint, with the mint flavor being the upfront.
3 Has a rechargeable USB C port for recharging the battery. These larger vapes have a bigger liquid capacity which may result in the battery dying off before all the liquid is used up. So it's great you can recharge it.
4 They come in a large variety of flavors.

Other thoughts:
Wish they would make them in 3% Nic also but not a deal breaker.
Pricing is around $20.00 each here in NJ at my favorite gas station. Vape shops may charge higher.
I recommend the Elbar BC5000.



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