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Exclusive: Carl Jackson advocates for abolishing gov't agencies that restrict liberty


Under Ground Hustler
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Question. Did any of your representatives ever contact you to find out whether or not you agreed with Obama’s FDA’s decision to penalize e-cigarette businesses? Of course not. Regulations, by definition, don’t need you to be a part of the political process.

If the power of the people is going to increase, regulatory agencies must be abolished. At the very least, Congress should limit the funding of these agencies through its “power of the purse.” Simply put, if you want your voice to be heard, regulatory agencies such as the FDA need to be neutered.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
As Britian looks at exiiting the EU, perhaps Americans need to look at exiting the the very least defund the US goverment let them make all the laws they want just don't give them any tax money to enforce their laws.

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