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Exclusive: Man Severely Injured After eCigarette Blows Up In His Face


Under Ground Hustler
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It was a Lbaloi hybrid Mech Mod with an Atlantis V2 Tank.

Hybrid Top Cap + Stub Ohm Tank = Pipe Bomb.


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Oh man, so sick of watching these stories and NOT ONE TIME DO THEY SAY WHAT HE WAS USING WAS NOT SUPPOSE TO BE PAIRED TOGETHER. instead they just say the e cigarette blew up and and fuck I'm done.


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I'm really sorry to see this sort of thing happen. Really I am. The kicker is that now, the sensationalist have another hypocrite right fighter to prance around and show the false evils of ecigs.


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HOLY CRAP! Thanks for the post! I have been a DA and have ignorantly been running a Sub Ohm Mini on my 4nine!!! "And knowing is half the battle". My B&M shop sold me my Sub Ohm Mini and watched me put it on my 4Nine... that is the last straw for them.


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Are they this dangerous with RDA's?


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For me it wasn't the voltage drop as I could careless about that. The length is what sold me and on top of that I work in an industry where I need it to take abuse so I am not sure a VW will cut it. I need to go back to the drawing board. 98% of the time I drip so maybe I will mill some vent holes in my 4Nine and be more careful what I put on top. Thanks again.


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Not yelling at you Cav... this issue just pisses me off.
No, please- sometimes I need to be yelled at. I have been dancing with the devil with my setup. :(

Thanks for the vid, I learned about the Delrin insulator ring on some hybrid caps
My mod does have the delrin insulator and my batts do not get caved in but this still has me worried. I usually have my BB 454 on it and the pin barely passes the bottom so at VERY least I need to mill vents and get a different atty.

Stealth and durability can be had with any number of reg mods.
Can you suggest some? I own a Sigelei 75w but I am not sure it would last with what it could be subjected to at work (up to 120F, nasty spills, possibly get wet). I am thinking a new mech w/o a hybrid cap is in order.

Flame on! :eek:


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Thanks for leading me to the Heatvape Invader, Jim. That looks like what I need and will check it out later when I have access to a PC. 50w don't scare me off cause I usually vape @ 60w with my VW mods at home. I will just build to accommodate.... and TC... Shooooot!

Sent from my C811 4G using Tapatalk

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Pisses me off! Knowing its someone that never sought out the Info for safety and was never offered the information.


Mad Scientist
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Check out Dovpo- I bought one for my hubby because he is brutal on his mods.


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No offense to anybody that has the dovpo, but if you compare them both, you will see that the heatvape is a better unit. It is also water resistant. The dovpo is not. I never bought the heatvape, but did a lot of research on them both. Just went another direction when it came time to buy.


Under Ground Hustler
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Here's a blow up of the mod and Sub Ohm Tank

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We Need an iq test before someone is allowed buy or sell a mod... you know he had to her and see it coming...


Under Ground Hustler
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It looks like it blew at the center when the 18350/18650 part screws together.
These things should have massive holes drilled unto them.
But a dead short is nasty, the battery goes thermal pretty fast.

If you are using these setups and think it can't happen to you then remember if the mod gets hot throw it as far away from people and animals as quickly as possible.

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It looks like it blew at the center when the 18350/18650 part screws together.
These things should have massive holes drilled unto them.
But a dead short is nasty, the battery goes thermal pretty fast.

If you are using these setups and think it can't happen to you then remember if the mod gets hot throw it as far away from people and animals as quickly as possible.
Better yet don't use a hybrid mod unless you know what in the hell you are doing. In the event that you don't know what the hell you are doing ask someone you KNOW you can TRUST to show you the right way.
If not for yourself for the community as a whole.
If you do know what the hell you are doing help teach the ones that don't know.


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This has to be the eleventySeventh time I've re-checked a thread just to find your same old copy pasta "thanks for the share/news/info".

90% of the time I suspect you haven't even read the linked article (it's most often one of 5150's news threads) and are just bumping the thread. Even if it's just a couple of hours old.

Why Brian, why? :(
As for your assumption that I copy and paste, please rest assured I actually type it out each time.
Yes, as a matter of fact I do read the links in case you needed to know that.
I am sorry that you are not ok with my replying with what I do.
I will try and use more words or rephrase it each time so as to not offend those who prefer to read a much lengthier reply.
I Hope that makes it easier for you!
Have a good day and vape on!!

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