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Fast Tech Hana Clone.....Opinions?


Founding Vendor
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I'm considering buying a couple of the Hana clones from Fast Tech but the reviews are all over the place. Does anyone here have one and your opinion of it?


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I had never even heard of Hana Modz until the lawsuit. Now i'd like to know more about them too and whether they're worth it or if the clones are any good. Anybody have one of those clones?


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I should have both of the Fasttech clones in a week or 2. I ordered the 18650 and mini versions so, I will post a review of both on here when I get them.

Hobby Kid

Brighton Boy
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I've got a bunch of them. They vary slightly. They all work fine. Sometimes the fire button is too sunk in and it's difficult to press. The screen is hard to see when out on the sunshine. It's very well made as in it matches up. The 510 is sometimes angled slightly but hardly noticeable. Tanks rarely sit flush. The battery boxes are tight and their tabs required flattening to fit ncr18650A button tops. They're very tidy inside. None of mine have ever over heated or even heated up. The lipo versions are the same size. I bought some of them for some newbie vapers who aren't ready to invest in batteries and chargers. The USB charging hasn't posed any problems. Two 600mah lipos which have connections to detatch them and take them out. Their runtime seems to last as long as an 18650. They're battery compartment is the same size as the 18650, so you could replace it if you want and still have space. There's room to fit magnets if you don't want to keep unscrewing it to change the battery. They come with an efest inside. The paintwork is much better than I expected. For the price it's a good investment, and a price one might feel fine to mod further.

VH fan

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Wow, great writeup HK , i have heard very good things about them myself , i assume you are talking about the ones with the seam as the new ones without the seam i don't think are in the hands of customers yet but are being shipped.

Thanks again

Hobby Kid

Brighton Boy
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Thanks. I don't really know what the seam is. Is it like a seal to stop juice leaking into the box? It happened to me once but very little got in. Just a droplet perhaps.

VH fan

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It was the first versions that had a seam going right through the center pin location on the top where you screw in your atty , people complained about it but imo it wasn't a big deal , it seems many received those versions and no issues.

Hobby Kid

Brighton Boy
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Member For 4 Years
Well I don't think so. So the best way to answer that is I've got it with me so..



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I was at vape bash 2014 and waited in line, trying to but one. I now own three clones and I'm glad that I didn't get one at vape bash. I've tried the Hana mod and my clones and I have to say that the clones work really well. As far as I am concerned I'm happy with mine.

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Hobby Kid

Brighton Boy
Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I was at vape bash 2014 and waited in line, trying to but one. I now own three clones and I'm glad that I didn't get one at vape bash. I've tried the Hana mod and my clones and I have to say that the clones work really well. As far as I am concerned I'm happy with mine.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

I've seen posts all over the web of people having problems with their hana clones. But then I've also seen many having issues with the authentic. But then I've also seen people having issues with their authentic toasters and televisions and Xbox. The clone is cheap and it's most likely to work just fine. And even cheaper now if you buy an empty hana style box from ft and their dna

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