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FDA is Out of Its Mind: Deeming Regulations Should Be Called "The Cigarette Protection Act of 2015"


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Wow. I thought it was going to be bad but that guys assessment is much worse than what I got out of reading the guidance.


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  • If there are no existing data on the toxicity of a particular chemical component of the aerosol, then computation modeling studies should be conducted using surrogate (i.e., similar) chemical structures;
That right there is the glaring, fuck you.
No matter what of once was safe it will be no longer.


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So they have to proved a studie that shows vape has a health benefit? Studies can't even prove that multi-vitamins have a health benefit!


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Their sticking to the 2/15/2007 date more or less disqualifies all vaping equipment currently in use, including the very 510 connection itself. Existing smokers will have only the blister packs available once this takes effect. BT and BP are feeling secure about their future profit stream.


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This is simple prohibition. And we've got those Democratic members of Congress screaming "Hurry it up goddammit !" and "I demand an investigation into the leaked document !"

Some are referring to this glorious era as the Vapocalypse. I read somewhere (not sure) about a two year phase in or something. Looking for a confirm on that, as it would give more time to stock up. Of course the real crux is whether or not bulk nic will be available to the end user. People will McGuyver everything else. This world.

Thanks for posting 5150sick


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Their sticking to the 2/15/2007 date more or less disqualifies all vaping equipment currently in use, including the very 510 connection itself. Existing smokers will have only the blister packs available once this takes effect. BT and BP are feeling secure about their future profit stream.
Actually the 510 connection came from electronics and connectors for mixing panels at concert venues as I remember.


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Unfortunately, it was introduced to the ecig industry by Joye in 2008, so it was not available in ecig form before the cutoff date. It's pretty ridiculous that the most successful way to stop smoking will be prohibited in such an extreme way.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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The only way to combat this power grab by big tobacco is to make it politically painful to our opponents. If the deeming regs go through, there will be millions of vapers with an axe to grind and hundreds of thousands of people out of work because of the regs.


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What do u guys think is going to happen?
I need to stock up on nicotine and Diy this sucks if this goes through and I DID my part and I'm so pissed ONLY 41,000 signatures?
Honestly they will do whatever they want is my guess and I promise myself I will never ever pick up a cigarette and support big tobacco EVER! This is why my husband quit 7+ years ago (cold turkey) he felt he was being a slave to them paying money for him to die early... Population control all that... At the time I thought he was overthinking.. Now I feel he was smart.
It's so TRUE!

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Will write reviews for Beer!
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I keep hearing that our elected criminals are very much aware of the fact that there are THOUSANDS of small and large businesses that will go under if many portions of this monstrosity are passed.

I am hoping greed will be enough of a motivation to keep the industry growing and us in our hardware and liquids.



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Thank u! You sent the one for NJ too! Medford is around 1/2 hour not even from me.
I hope this doesn't happen j think I will cry it will be awful
I called and signed I however thought it was a 2 day hearing.?

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Member For 4 Years
The white house petition is the only valid avenue, IMO. The bill has zero chance, IMO, and here is why it has no chance.

The white house administration is reviewing the proposed regulation for approval. The grandfather date was very much contested during the comment period and the white house administration knows about this issue. If the white house administration, under Obama, does not change the date and approves the proposal, there is not a snowballs chance in hell that Obama will sign a bill that reverses that approval.

In other words, the Obama administration is not going sign a bill that changes a date that the Obama administration already approved of. It will be vetoed. The only chance for the date to be changed is if the white house administration changes it. The bill is a road to no where.

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