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FDA launches $128 million anti-smoking hip-hop campaign


Under Ground Hustler
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"The campaign, which has cost $128 million so far, has been funded by taxes on the tobacco industry. That brings up one issue: Our government has a national deficit that is fueled by a huge spending problem. In 2014, the government brought in a historic $2.7 trillion in tax dollars, but still went $673 million over budget."

Let's waste EVEN MORE of YOUR (The Taxpayer) money beating a dead horse.
Everyone knows smoking is bad for them and there is no need to waste billions of dollars repeating this fact over and over and over again - 5150


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Isn't that racism!? Considering, what is the majority of people listening to hip-hop. No offense, just a thought.


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Why would they ban hip hop anyway? The idea of it seems stupid. I'm not particularly fond of country music, should it be banned? No. Just cause I think it sucks doesn't mean there aren't millions of people that listen to what I consider to be shitty music.

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Under Ground Hustler
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Isn't that racism!? Considering, what is the majority of people listening to hip-hop. No offense, just a thought.

You mean suburban white kids that wish they were gangsters?
Because that is at least 50% of all hip hop sales/listeners/target audience.
If this were 1985 I'd say yes this would be racist.
But now that hip hop has went mainstream since the early to mid 90's it's more popular than rock or country to youth.

By the way: To all the ban hip hop, hip hop sucks ass crowd:

Two Words: Beastie Boys.
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LOL... I just can't stand the stuff. I love Jamaican music, though.

Now I'm confused. If I'm supposed to be a racist, shouldn't I hate the Jamaicans, too? Do I have to? They're good folks. The Antiquans are cool, too.


Under Ground Hustler
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LOL... I just can't stand the stuff. I love Jamaican music, though.

Now I'm confused. If I'm supposed to be a racist, shouldn't I hate the Jamaicans, too? Do I have to? They're good folks. The Antiquans are cool, too.

LOL, i don't like country music ... at all.
But I love country people and my whole Dad's side of the family speaks with a think country accent and lives in the mountains in North Carolina.

When I started buying my own music in 1986 (at the ripe old age of 11) my first 4 cassettes:

1) Quiet Riot - Metal Health (A fucking classic!)
2) Bon Jovi - New Jersey (Another Classic)
3) Run DMC - Raising Hell (Believe it on not Another classic)
4) Beastie Boys - Licensed To Ill (I own well over 100 different Beastie Boys CD's in my current collection - You guessed it A Classic)

My Point:
I grew up about 2 miles from the Baltimore City line on the North East side and I of course listened to the same music other kids that were my friends listened to.

At the end of the day on the way home from school we would listen to (With the highly coveted Sony Walkman) and trade cassettes on the School Bus.

We would go home and dub the cassettes we were lent and then trade back in the Morning on the Bus to School.

The Buses racial makeup was just about 49% Caucasian and 49% African American
(I remember one Asian Girl Nancy and one Mexican kid Marcus or it'd be 50/50)

All this means is at the time when you decided to not listen to what your parents listened to and picked your own music.
You had a different demographic of friends than me who listened to different music.

Not liking Rap makes you no more racist than not liking Elton John would make you homophobic.

Not liking Rap means you don't like rap
Whole Wheat Bread - A punk rock African American trio that I have seen live twice.
Michael Jackson (RIP King of Pop) - Didn't Rap
There are THOUSANDS of others.
There are also tons of Country Folk who do Hip Hip - Bubba Sparxxx, Boondox, Haystak, etc...
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