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FDA's Vaping 'Epidemic' Doesn't Hold Up to Inspection


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paraphrased... the FDA data has cherry picked and made to sound worse than it really is overall....
hopefully we can get a new FDA leader who will follow real data and science and Not some other agenda.
the real crime was cigar Sales and none Vapes...

it is hinted at that maybe 21 should be the federal mandate for vape and tobacco purchases which would do more to limit teens regular use of Nicotine more that anything


Citrus Junkie
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paraphrased... the FDA data has cherry picked and made to sound worse than it really is overall....
hopefully we can get a new FDA leader who will follow real data and science and Not some other agenda.
the real crime was cigar Sales and none Vapes...

it is hinted at that maybe 21 should be the federal mandate for vape and tobacco purchases which would do more to limit teens regular use of Nicotine more that anything
How so? Most are hooked before they're 18. Raising the age to 21 just makes them sneaky/illegal for a longer period of time.

The Cromwell

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Actually all vape products no on the US market prior to aug 2016 are illegal to be sold or imported into the USA.


Diamond Contributor
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it is hinted at that maybe 21 should be the federal mandate for vape and tobacco purchases which would do more to limit teens regular use of Nicotine more that anything

Great way to expand a growing black market. I still feel it ought to be a parental decision based upon each individual case's merit. "Is my Tommy mature enough to show common sense and respect with vaping, and or nicotine use, " a father asks prior to deciding to buy his seventeen year old son a nice vaping kit. That father could tell Tommy he could vape for now without nicotine, once he turned eighteen he could use nicotine. I don't think government is the case for anything in regards to children save for in cases of obvious child abuse, even then grandparents, churches, social groups ought to step up and step in to beat sense into the parent, if need be, dropping the ball. People always saying it takes a village to rear a child, well then damn it, apply it.

Let government raise the age to try solving the problem it is creating anyway? Yeah, sure let us know how that works out.

Most politically based crisis do not hold up to scrutiny.

Quite true and if you use a bit of deconstruction in reasoning these alleged crises you'll find someone political using the Hegelian dialectic.

1. Create a solution for a problem that doesn't exist.

2. Rattle the sabers of this alleged problem, show studies that read like chaos ruling if nothing is done to solve X.

3. Offer the solution you created in step one, at a premium, either create dependency ("This is a big scary problem requiring lots of thought and effort, let us do it for you."), create consent ("Every True Scotsman wants to solve X, you're one of us right?") , create division ("Oh look it was the Y group causing this").

Guess who else uses the Hegelian dialectic. Yep, mafia, fascist, Nazis, dictators and tyrants all the loverly people we are better off without. The mafia was slick about it. They brought in hoods to rustle up local small business shops, bodegas, mom & pops. Then a day or two later a sharply dressed fella showed up offering insurance to keep the hoods at bay. You paid or they took your shop by sheer force of terror, keeping you from doing business to pay mortgages then buying it up for pennies. Always a good practice to ask, ... Quis est salutaris? (Who benefits?).

they are not "illegal", remember? They are UNDOCUMENTED.

Making them aliens then, different, new. *smh* Xenophobia or fear of the different, new often can lead omniphobia which is fear of everything. Do you consider yourself Christian? (No need to reply, just a bit of thought here. ) If so, ...

1 John 4:18 [Full Chapter]
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

Luke 1:73-75 New International Version (NIV)

73 the oath he swore to our father Abraham:
74 to rescue us from the hand of our enemies,
and to enable us to serve him without fear
75 in holiness and righteousness before him all our days.

Fear only God is what it comes to saying. Everything else doesn't deserve fearing. I recall this from my youth, when I was still one in the faith.

Actually all vape products no on the US market prior to aug 2016 are illegal to be sold or imported into the USA.

Well considering I would hunt game, fish, trap using improvised traps, without license or permit, if it feeds family. What more is it to being an outlaw by buying illegal vape products? If surviving alone makes one a criminal then one may as well not follow unjust, unlawful so called laws & legalities, be a full on criminal for sure.

* And a good number of the improvised traps I'm writing about using are in about 40 or so states "illegal". You can just look at all the f&^ks I'm giving, ... right here ---> .
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