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Feedback for Doc Roland

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Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
@Doc Roland and I traded soem mods and atties. I thought I was getting a Opus DNA200, a Petri V1.5 red and a black Avocado 24. The black Avocado never made it. I'm thinking he thought the Avocado was an exchange for the Petri? No matter. The Petri is nice and the mod is in very good kit. The glass on one of the Dotmod bottles exploded and made a bit of a mess but the atty was okay luckily. Just one tiny little mark.

So overall happy with the trade.

Doc Roland

Member For 4 Years
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Member For 1 Year
Sorry to hear that man and yeah I made sure to send exactly what you had asked for the final time that's why I didn't put the avocado sorry for the confusion but very happy the package finally arrived.
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