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Feedback for Shredtravolta

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Member For 4 Years
This man is an awesome builder and a really good guy. His coils are top notch. I've been rockin a pair of fused claptons in my NCII-25 with my Bonza v1 clone in series. The flavor and vapor production of offOf these coils are amazing. Clouds and flavorfor DAYS! I also have a pair of Staple Staggered Fused Claptons and Fraliens I'm waiting for juice to arrive to rock. I can't wait to try these. They are clean and some really tight wraps. If you are looking for some great builds, check out @Shedtravolta in thePost Your Builds thread. You will not be disappointed.

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Member For 4 Years
Feedback on the Fraliens that were sent from @Shredtravolta. These are some crazy flavorful coils. Rocking on the NCII-25 at .09Ω. I thought the Fused Claptons were insane? Just WOW!

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Member For 4 Years
I'm not done yet bud. I still have the SSFC's to go. Will be posting as soon as I can get my Pulse Dual kit and drop one in the rda :)

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Member For 1 Year
Unlisted Vendor
Just a heads up, the pulse dual kit is miles ahead of anything we will see in a long time and the rda is actually quite amazing, hope you rock those coils. Use 6.5 on your coily... 7 if you wanna get ballsy :)

another one for mr Volta. hats off.
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