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First hit harsh


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Let me start off by saying I was a 2 pack a day smoker for years. I started with e-cigs with carts. This didn't work for me and went back to smoking. Then I went to ego style 18mg...seemed better but lousy e-liquid flavor. I tried to find tobacco flavors but all of them just didn't cut it.
About a week ago I purchased a Aspire nx75 with Nautilus X 1.5 ohm. and Black Note e-liquid 18 mg. (they just make all natural tobacco flavors VG/PG 50/50, no added flavors colors or anything, doesn't even have an oder when you smell the e-liquid, just flavors from the tobacco leaf. The only no- tobacco ingredient is VG/PG. This did the trick. I quit smoking now.
I know the Nautilus is usually for mouth to lung but I do direct to lung on it - I get better flavor that way.
I set my mod up with 14 watts for the 1.5 ohm coils. First thing in the morning or when I pause vaping for a couple of hours, the first few hits are very harsh. Then is settles down and and the hits are smooth...Best vape I ever experienced. Any ideas as to why this is?
JUST A NOTE: I tried sub-ohm Atlantis EVO (Came with the NX75) but the e-liquid I use is $29.00 for 30 mils, I can't afford that.

Jimi D

Gold Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Probably your throat building up a tolerance. Also most people direct lung 3-6 mg

Jimi D

Gold Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Thanks. So, by direct lung I'm actually getting more than 18mgs?
Your'e welcome.The higher the nic the more harsh it will be. Most people lower the nicotine if it makes them feel ill, dizzy etc.


Member For 3 Years
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Your'e welcome.The higher the nic the more harsh it will be. Most people lower the nicotine if it makes them feel ill, dizzy etc.
I see. I don't feel ill or dizzy at all on 18 mgs. So I guess the harshness is due to the 18 mgs. So far, the 18 mgs. helped my stop smoking and I don't want to go back to smoking again. I guess i'll have to try the 6 mgs. and see if it satisfies my nicotine urge.


It's VG/PG not PG/VG
VU Donator
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Member For 4 Years
I see. I don't feel ill or dizzy at all on 18 mgs. So I guess the harshness is due to the 18 mgs. So far, the 18 mgs. helped my stop smoking and I don't want to go back to smoking again. I guess i'll have to try the 6 mgs. and see if it satisfies my nicotine urge.
While you say you DL, the nautilus even when fully open doesn't really provide airy DL and besides you are using it at very low wattage (compared to the wattage that most DLers use).

There is not need to jump from 18mg directly to 6mg, maybe try 12mg or 9mg first.

Also PG adds to the harshness so using a juice with less PG and more VG helps with harshness too.

Jimi D

Gold Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I see. I don't feel ill or dizzy at all on 18 mgs. So I guess the harshness is due to the 18 mgs. So far, the 18 mgs. helped my stop smoking and I don't want to go back to smoking again. I guess i'll have to try the 6 mgs. and see if it satisfies my nicotine urge.
If you don't feel dizzy. By all means stick with the 18mg. Not smoking is the most important thing.:) You could alway ween down slowly if needed. Try 12 mg before jumping right into 6 mg.


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I smoked 2 packs a day for a long time, too (42 years, plus I grew up in a house with two smoking parents), and when I first started vaping, it was harsh for me, too, no matter what nic level, but usually only first thing in the morning. I think in my case at least, it was just lung damage. That was a year and a half ago, and now I've made great progress in healing. I switched to direct lung vaping after several months of using an EVOD with 1.5 ohm coils, and at first I had to be really careful, but as my lungs recovered, I stopped having a problem. I also dropped my nic level down to almost nothing in that time, as well. I only use 1mg nic now. But I can get up in the morning first thing and have a vape and not feel the least little bit of harshness or tightness. Maybe that's because my nic is so low, but I think it's also because I've been off cigs long enough for my lungs to heal up a bit. So give it time, and just take each day as it comes. :)

Congrats on quitting. It's huge accomplishment. I never thought I'd see the day, myself. ;)

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