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Five Pawns re:Grandmastered


Member For 3 Years
Member For 2 Years
Member For 1 Year
I want to introduce you to his version, based on all the familiar liquid

Peanut Butter 6% (TFA)
Ripe Banana 3% (TFA)
Banana Cream 1% (TFA)
Pie Crust 1% (TFA)
Brown sugar 1% (TFA)
Acetyl Pyrazin 0.5%( TFA)
French Vanilla Deluxe 2% (TFA)
Vanilla Classic 1% (FA)
Cereal 27 2% (Cap)-
the flavor will change the taste out of all recognition, it is once again something that for so long did not have a prescription.
And you can add 3-4 drops of salt solution (0.5gramms for 100ml Water)

Steep time-2 weeks. Enjoy

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