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Fizzle (Raspberry Citrus Sherbet)


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Member For 3 Years
Member For 2 Years
Quite some time ago I posted a clone attempt of Praxis Potion's 'Quartz'. That clone was based off of what I remembered it to be... I'm not sure how close it was but it tasted much like I remembered.

This is an improved version - no longer a clone but more using similar flavours that I feel I've gotten better at using.

Essentially this tastes like a mouthful of fizzy, raspberry citrus sherbet. I really like it. Suggestions very welcome! :)


Citrus Mix (FA): 0.5%
Lemonade (FLAVORAH): 3%
Lime (FLAVORAH): 0.3%
Marshmallow (FA): 1%
Raspberry (CAP): 4%
Raspberry (INW): 0.4%
Whipped Cream (TPA): 2%

The flavours seem to blend really nicely at these %'s with a nice overall flavour profile. Other than 'Raspberry/Citrus' I'm not sure I would be able to pick out all the individual flavours if I didn't know what was in it - which is what I was hoping for. Citrus Mix really helps with this at low % - I find this flavour great for adding interest and complexity.

There is a real 'fizz' sensation on the tongue - I've found FLV Lemonade, lime and INW Raspberry work really well together to create this - and whipped cream helps to accentuate the sensation.

Go really light with the lime - FLV Lime is outrageously strong and its only here to add a hint of lime and some complexity.

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