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Flavour Issues!!!


Member For 2 Years
Member For 1 Year
Ok... Here's the thing....
I set up my OBS ENGINE with double ALIEN CLAPTONS at 0.11 ohms and working it at 42-45 watts that give me about 2.15-2.25 volts, using COTTON BACON PRIME. (If I raise the wattage vape gets to hot for me.)
My problem is that I don't take as much flavour as I should and every 3-4 puffs I get burnt taste that goes away if I let it sit about 5 mins ....
What could be the cause????

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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
There's many different and subjective factors that might be at work. I prefer RDAs over RDTAs because of this problem, for me "tanks" don't offer enough for flavor. I'll get that out of the way, "you're using a damn tank, that's it, switch to rda instead.:

Kidding aside it might also be in how you're wicking it. I've been recently 'playing around" at defining a good standard of how to wick near any build so to get flavor. This morning I had to take out half a load of Muji Cotton that I let get burnt in a Wasp Nano. That was on me too, I just hadn't found the sweet spot for how much cotton is too much, too little ... too little.

If you pack the inner diameter of your coils with too much cotton you'll block juice flow. This even happens with Rayon for wicking. The fibers, in either one will start compressing on themselves and become walled up. Rayon does that a bit less but it can still do it if you pack dense. No juice, ya got no flavor no matter how you chuff on it.

The trick lies in cascading your wick material. Make it have shoulders up toward either side of your coils. Then, it comes off looking like a waterfall. In the juice well you'll want it thinned out to look like tree roots. This saps the juice up thoroughly and provides an even flow of it. Your shoulders will of course, compress and let you have a naturally/organically formed hole through the coil. The wick lies on the bottom half of the coil. You don't want to think, "okay I'll fill it up." The air going through the coil also helps in keeping the juice going.

It also might be your juice isn't mixed to do top shelf flavor. Look for juices with more of a PG ratio as PG kind of was designed to carry flavors. VG? It kind of lets you get bigger clouds, although if you get a good mixer doing up flavors in VG you can get real nice flavors. It comes to ratios and experience in the mixing. So you can try that as well.

You might also try about 1/3 of full air flow on your atty. This though is more about what you prefer, tighter draw or looser. Smaller airflow gives you tighter but it can also give a boost to flavor. Full air flow can boost flavor too but it's been kind of tricky for me to use it like that, not saying it can't be done merely that I'm having difficulty in it.

Hope I've offered you something of help. Just a lot to getting flavor where you want it. When you do, you'll know it and that'll be your setup from then on. :) If I've not helped, bet my buddy Bob can. @The Cromwell Or even @JuicyLucy . :)

ETA: Apologies too for the poking fun about a tank. I looked around there is also an OBS that is an RDA and not a tank. Fuss at DuckDuckGo I read the first one or three links it spat back, only saw an OBS as a tank. Damn hard to keep up with everything out there anymore. Glad there's choice but at times it gets like "go to the store and buy me corn cereal." *stands looking at the full aisle of corn cereals in all kinds of varieties*
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Citrus Junkie
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I also find that wick shoulders with thinned tails works very well for me. Might try playing with raising and lowering your coils a hair. The new Engine II has much better af than the original imo. I love my Nanos but never found the dual Engine satisfying.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I love my Nanos but never found the dual Engine satisfying.

Toss up for me between a Chi-Na-RDA & a Gorge, Wasp Nano. My Velocitys are with the old T-Dux 3 tanks, collecting dust. The Goons are seeming to do that as well, although I'm not likely to part with them for a sentimental reason. Think really the Gorge would end up being my favorite. Once you learn to curve your coil legs to put the coil into the deck, you're good and sweet on it. :)


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Love my Gorge, just installed a new build today.

Ah, I see how it is now. You copied me first. :)

Just put a new build on a few minutes ago. 2 x 26awg ss316 wrapped with .50 x .10mm Kanthal A1 ribbon fused Clapton reading at 0.25 ohms. That's a little lower than I normally run. Trying it out though. The SS cores ought to ramp up quick while the A1 ought to disperse the heat evenly and cool quick. ---> That's a Roger. :) :cloud: Mmm, yummy too even for unflavored juice. Nice for DL and/or MTL. :)

Hey @Train, check out this build. It's really nice. Oh yeah, it's standard 5 wrap around 3 mm inner diameter. :) Think that does it for me too. Time to rack out. Nitol.
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Member For 1 Year
Im using Aliens currently because ive an abundance of the things i made, I wrap at 3mm 4.5 wraps, roughly 0.40 ohms per coil, in my kensei thats 0.20 dual coil build, vaping at 65 watts, never have any problems. However, i alwaya thin the tails just right and i always wick it so the cotton can pull right through with the tiniest amount of resistance, if ya gotta yank that stuff out then youve used way too much and muted the flavours.

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