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Floridian Vaper here


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Well, hello everyone. On with my half-assed introduction shall we? I say half-assed as I'm terrible at posting these introduction thread things, yet it seems every forum seems to require them. Why can't we just jump into conversations like I would on the city bus?! :D

Anyway, name's Kinser. Used it for a while now and it has stuck--though in circles other than the vaping community. I smoked analogs (I include cigarettes, cigars and pipe tobacco in that category) for 20+ years (from when I was 11 or 12 to 33). I also smoked a pipe (tobacco not the other stuff) for much of that time (I started that when I was about 16 or 17--yeah I'm a weirdo).

Back in January of 2013 I was shopping for zippo fluid at a local Walgreen's and noticed an other customer purchaing the Njoy King. I of course asked her about it as I had started hearing wispers about this thing called vaping. I happened to have the 9 bucks burning a hole in my pocket so I bought an Njoy King to "just try it". Long story short, I liked the act of vaping more than that of smoking--thought it tasted better (even though now I think most "tobacco" flavors taste like shit now).

That was the best impulse buy I ever made. I, of course, burned out the Njoy king in less than four hours so I had to get on the net next as I knew "there has to be a better way". I found some resources, talked to some people, joined a forum or two and ended up getting a fixed voltage ego kit from a local B&M which had just opened up a couple months prior.

Since that time I used egos exclusively for about a year (preferring kanger t-3s to other heads, and I hate top coil stardust type clearomizers).

I now have a couple of mods, and prefer Aspire Nautilus and Atlantis. I also make my own juice as well as buy it.

So that's my story and I'm sticking to it.;)
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hello to you!!! Welcome to VU, glad you found us and vaping!!
Your intro was perfect, Enjoy the forum & nice to meet you:)


Member For 4 Years
Member For 3 Years
ECF Refugee
Hello to you!!! Welcome to VU, glad you found us and vaping!!
Your intro was perfect, Enjoy the forum & nice to meet you:)

Thanks, I had to edit it. I was apparently told I was "blocked" while posting the thread, but it let me post it anyway. :confused:

Kent B Marshall

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Florida here also


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Welcome to the VU.
The VU does not require you to introduce yourself but we enjoy reading them and it's a good way to learn who you are and what you are up to.


Will write reviews for Beer!
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Welcome to the Underground and I am happy to have you as a new member of the "Stardust Sucks Club".:D

Well, anything that starts with CE to be honest.


Member For 4 Years
Member For 3 Years
ECF Refugee
Welcome to the VU.
The VU does not require you to introduce yourself but we enjoy reading them and it's a good way to learn who you are and what you are up to.

lulz. Perhaps "require" was a bit strong. But, being in my mid-thirties and having been online since it was "nerdy" I've kinda just assumed that introductions were considered a requirement. As to what I'm up too, I just bought a spool of 26 gauge kanthal wire. I'm going to rebuild my squid which I only really use when I'm testing flavors.

Welcome to the Underground and I am happy to have you as a new member of the "Stardust Sucks Club".:D

Well, anything that starts with CE to be honest.

There is a "Stardust Sucks Club"? Cool where can I get a t-shirt?

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