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for the doughtnut lovers


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Member For 3 Years
been messing around with a few doughnut recipes i got in elr, put a few elements i like from each and made my own.

tastes good off the bat but flavors blend in nicely after a few days to a week. while i like how it tastes, its almost like a base flavor, where it tastes like straight doughnut but nothing pops at ya, so tonight i made a variant, adding some of my fa berrys to it, which i felt would work better since for me fa berrys are more sharp and less sweet.

tastes really really good shake n vape, maybe next time ill only use a drop or two of blackcurrant, its my first time using it and i can already tell its an aggressive flavor, hopefully all the other flavors will start blending in and will start coming in more... if not ill try again with less of blackcurrant and will advise.
hope you enjoy it =P i know its a lot of flavors but i dont know how i felt about dropping too much of the original mix in order to add the berrys, will also experiment in doing it that way in the coming weeks.
if anyone has another doughnut recipe and wishes to share it would be great as im having a lot of fun with caps glazed doughnut, its a really really good doughnut flavor.

Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk


Member For 4 Years
That is just insane... I got Cap's Glazed Doughnut a while back, and hadn't messed with it yet. So seconds ago, I just made a recipe somewhat similar to this, but using Blueberry Jam, and black Currant to sweeten:

Honey 0.25 %
Doughnut 6 %
Custard 2 %
Blueberry Jam 4 %
Joy 0.5 %
Meringue 0.5 %
Black Currant 0.5 %
Bavarian Cream (CAP) 4 %

I just named it something unoriginal - Custard Jelly Doughnut. I suck at naming my juices. I find honey in small amounts can give a bakery juice "warmth," but ymmv.

I hopped on here to find a good maple bar recipe and check what % others are using for glazed doughnut, and bam... this was the first thing the search came up with, but am merely guessing as to where that would start too. Anyway, I have no idea what I'm doing with this new flavoring,

So, I have no idea if I'm on the right track or not. Looks like I might be, but who knows - I've never used Bavarian cream, either.

If you're interested in a maple bar flavor, I'll share it if you like, just need to figure out where to start. I think I'll take your lead on the brown sugar for that, too.

Thanks for sharing!

been messing around with a few doughnut recipes i got in elr, put a few elements i like from each and made my own.

tastes good off the bat but flavors blend in nicely after a few days to a week. while i like how it tastes, its almost like a base flavor, where it tastes like straight doughnut but nothing pops at ya, so tonight i made a variant, adding some of my fa berrys to it, which i felt would work better since for me fa berrys are more sharp and less sweet.

tastes really really good shake n vape, maybe next time ill only use a drop or two of blackcurrant, its my first time using it and i can already tell its an aggressive flavor, hopefully all the other flavors will start blending in and will start coming in more... if not ill try again with less of blackcurrant and will advise.
hope you enjoy it =P i know its a lot of flavors but i dont know how i felt about dropping too much of the original mix in order to add the berrys, will also experiment in doing it that way in the coming weeks.
if anyone has another doughnut recipe and wishes to share it would be great as im having a lot of fun with caps glazed doughnut, its a really really good doughnut flavor.

Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk

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