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Fremont moves toward banning new e-cigarette retailers


Under Ground Hustler
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Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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In a state that has drive through Liquor Stores, they want to ban new vape shops? Seriously?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
In a state that has drive through Liquor Stores, they want to ban new vape shops? Seriously?
this is California.
"This one was obviously the right thing to do so we could kinda put a stop to it and get our arms around it and see what we can do," Harrison said. "I think it is appropriate at this time for us to take the more restrictive approach to what we can do to help that."
Spoken like a true totalitarian dickhead.....wonder what's next for Fremont book bannings....Fremont is a suburban craphole who is pushing it's kids onto cigarettes.


Under Ground Hustler
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You forgot the drive through medical mj places also.

I had a drive thru "Green Vegtable Like Substance" service set up when I was a teenager.

I got very wealthy in that 2 year period.

Turned $1,200 into a 2 year blast of a story, $10,000 worth of merchandise, and $8800 cash:D

My Motto Was: Get In, Get Rich, Get Out, Before Getting Arrested:D
and have a blast doing it.

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