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Fruit & Nut Bake (for Gameover fans)


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Fruit & Nut Bake by lirruping

2% fa forest fruits
3% mama j's gameover custard
2% tfa vanilla swirl
0.5% fa fuji
0.5% fa almond
0.5% tfa anise [or 0.25% fa anise]
0.75% fa cookie

This started out as a total experiment, and I'll probably keep working on it, but it's surprisingly delicious!

The fa almond comes through really well, but is not overwhelming. I've never tasted it so distinctly. Something in the gameover is critical to the baked dessert feeling of this. It's very grown-up tasting--but in a good way.

Here are a few ideas for substitutions that should maintain the general idea, and in some cases might improve upon it:

-> If you don't have gameover custard, order some right away. But you might try this with a stand-in of fa custard and fa vienna cream, total 1.5%--2.5%. You could also use 2.75% cap v. custard seasoned with a bit (0.25%) of tfa brown sugar. Either way, I think it won't be quite as complex. The custard/vienna idea will take it in a different direction, but might add a new and interesting dimension.

-> I'd say there's a very good chance that fa vanilla tahity will be better here than vanilla swirl--I haven't yet tried it but I plan to. I just sort of grabbed the vanilla swirl because it was easier to find, but the gameover provides all the creaminess this needs and tahity is a more interesting vanilla.

-> For me, 0.75% fa cookie is just right, but if you want more of the cookie effect, you could bump it up a little, say 0.25%, or add a small amount of acetyl pyrazine.

For people who think this isn't a lot of flavoring, I urge you to try it as is and then scale up if you want to. It's got a serious punch of flavor and gets even better in a couple of weeks. If you do find yourself wanting MORE somehow, I suggest making your first change upping it to 2.5% fa forest fruit and see if that fixes it. (I wouldn't go any higher on that particular flavoring as it seems to go weird with too much).


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I'm not generally a big fan of custard vapes but I do enjoy Game Over Custard. from time to time (It's just way too Dam Good not too!)

Your utilization of 3% of it in your recipe is something I must ponder and, of course, explore.

Thank You!

“When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished by how much he’d learned in seven years.” – Mark Twain


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I'm not generally a big fan of custard vapes but I do enjoy Game Over Custard. from time to time (It's just way too Dam Good not too!)

Your utilization of 3% of it in your recipe is something I must ponder and, of course, explore.

Thank You!


I'm not big on custards either, although I have phases. Anyway, 3% is kind of a weird number here, I agree. One thing about gameover is that while it's undeniably a custard, it's also got a lot of other stuff going on and is really a pretty interesting flavor. Let us know what you think if you mix this!


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Well done, lirruping. I mixed it as you said using your FA Anise recommendation. The Anise needs a little time to settle in, but as I said, It is good right away.

I'm not a fan of custards in their full unleashed glory, but find myself using Game Over Custard quite often in small amounts 3% and under. As you said it adds a baked flavor to the recipe. And I just noticed I need to order more of it.

Thanks for the recipe.


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@caddisfly thinking you might like this one!!
I'm think
Well done, lirruping. I mixed it as you said using your FA Anise recommendation. The Anise needs a little time to settle in, but as I said, It is good right away.

I'm not a fan of custards in their full unleashed glory, but find myself using Game Over Custard quite often in small amounts 3% and under. As you said it adds a baked flavor to the recipe. And I just noticed I need to order more of it.

Thanks for the recipe.
Yay! So glad you like it :) Do you get what I mean about that grown-up type flavor? It's very serious, somehow... IDK. lol


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Yes, I think that is the anise and its sweet exhale.


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Hi lirruping! I tagged Caddisfly, bc I wasn't sure if he was getting notices, and this looked up his alley possibly.:)


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I would have missed it. My Loss. :)


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Hey @lirruping did you see C-Fly's BearClaw recipe? It also uses a little GOC ...

He's too modest to mention it himself but I'm thinking it might be something you'd like to try. :)
Yeah it's definitely up my alley and looks delish!

I was thinking: "How did I miss this?!" Then I realized I was a crazy person doing last minute packing for my move back to N.E. on the day it was published. Lucky for me, you pointed me in the right direction.


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Anyway, 3% is kind of a weird number here, I agree. One thing about gameover is that while it's undeniably a custard, it's also got a lot of other stuff going on and is really a pretty interesting flavor. Let us know what you think if you mix this!

3% Seems like a good amount to me. I agree the Game Over does have a lot of things going on and is a bunch different to me than just a Cap or FA Custard. Heck, this difference is probably why I like it! ;)

I'm just missing the FA Forest fruits to mix this...:(

“If you can dream it, you can do it.” – Walt Disney


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lol, totally understand :)

If no one else has said it yet ( here anyway ), let me be the first to welcome you back!

Thank you! I actually have some extended bitchy commentary to loose on everyone about my first visit to a vape shop in two years, after being vape-solated on a desert island all this time --this was just the other day. But I'm saving it up for its own post. I bet you can't WAIT.


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Thank you! I actually have some extended bitchy commentary to loose on everyone about my first visit to a vape shop in two years, after being vape-solated on a desert island all this time --this was just the other day. But I'm saving it up for its own post. I bet you can't WAIT.
Me! Me! I can't wait. Where did you move??


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Oh D, if I had photos, I'd post 'em! I was thinking about going back to get some, but I'm sure it's nothing you haven't experienced. Keep in mind I just moved to Massachusetts after a couple years on an island where there are zero vape shops.

Picture the scene if you will: a pack of young men jammed into a small space, the air roiling with fresh vapor. Happy talk of clapton coils, premium juices and high priced mods rumbles all around you as they vy good-naturedly amongst themselves for vape-knowledge supremacy. One of them moves slightly away from the group and is startled as he accidentally brushes my sleeve--a female sleeve. Suddenly, everyone stops and looks up. I imagine the looks translate to: "How did Yoko get in here?" If not for my nose piercing and distressed hoodie, I might have turned on my middle-aged heel and fled. There is a moment of silence before the exuberant young clerk welcomes me jovially to the shop and begins earnestly to learn me in the art of using a plastic clearo and an ego battery to test flavors. Everything goes back to normal(ish) once my tasting is underway and I'm left to my own thoughts--the first of which is this: Why do all these thirty-dollar-a-bottle flavors all taste so similar to one another?! I swear there was caps v. custard in every single thing I tried. Big surprise for me to finally, after two years of vaping my own juice, find that even a skittles flavor tastes only mildly like skittles and mostly like cream. Not at all unpleasant, though! Just a little shocking.

During my twenty minutes or so in the store I chatted a bit with the clerk in the odd moments when he wasn't dashing around serving one of the many customers. I told him I did DIY and found out they don't make their own juice, but resell only from manufacturers who use "certified clean rooms" to make their juice and meet some standard I've never heard of and can't remember the acronym for. When I asked what they tell people who are concerned about diacetyl & acetyl propionyl, I was told that they really only carry two brands (out of around 200 lining the back wall) that contain these substances and that there's no reason to be concerned because "the parts per million is so small and actually, it's so much less significant than what's in cigarettes that if I have a concern, may as well just not vape." Whether or not that were true, it's not something I'd say to a customer--but whatevs. If his answers to my questions were a bit worn with age and repetition, he was mostly very helpful and nice. The experience made me really glad I can make my own juice, though. :D


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Sounds better than some I've been to locally, though there are some decent shops around. Fewer, but decent.


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Well, it is pleasantly nice to have you back. In my little town there are 2 vape shops. I never visited them again after getting into diy thanks to all here and building my own coils thanks to @Huckleberried, @caddisfly. They were so helpful and patient with me. Huck being female was my inspiration. She sent me videos that helped me do it. And Caddisfly made sure I was safe do to my natural tendencies to catch things on fire, such as lawnmowers. Long story there. At any rate seems I veered off here. While the people in the vape shop were helpful and nice all their juice is awful to me. I guess I am picky. Everyone here was extremely encouraging and helpful...way more so than the vape shops. Supplies are so much better priced online for supplies than my local shops. So cheers to us all here and cheers to V.U.!:D. @Teresa P & Caddisfly are always introducing me to new flavors...far superior to vape shop juices, and everyone's recipes here are so superior to vendor juice. So, this is my local vape shop!!


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Well, it is pleasantly nice to have you back. In my little town there are 2 vape shops. I never visited them again after getting into diy thanks to all here and building my own coils thanks to @Huckleberried, @caddisfly. They were so helpful and patient with me. Huck being female was my inspiration. She sent me videos that helped me do it. And Caddisfly made sure I was safe do to my natural tendencies to catch things on fire, such as lawnmowers. Long story there. At any rate seems I veered off here. While the people in the vape shop were helpful and nice all their juice is awful to me. I guess I am picky. Everyone here was extremely encouraging and helpful...way more so than the vape shops. Supplies are so much better priced online for supplies than my local shops. So cheers to us all here and cheers to V.U.!:D. @Teresa P & Caddisfly are always introducing me to new flavors...far superior to vape shop juices, and everyone's recipes here are so superior to vendor juice. So, this is my local vape shop!!

Me too on the big thanks to everyone here. I have learned so much, had such fun and gotten so much support.

I figured this forum and group was a goldmine the day I joined, but I've been lucky to find out first hand all the ways in which it really is.

I HEART VU DIY forum :)

Teresa P

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