You don't. There's an L shaped piece in the deck. You're going to need a flashlight and very thin tools. Since Vaporesso has no fucking idea how to design shit, they put the center airflow block in the deck but didn't mill it to the positive post. So instead of the positive post splitting off at the bottom like an L and having the 510 pin go through the lower part of the L down to the thread base, 100% straight, they've done something stupid. The negative post is held in place with a.. phillip's head fucking screw, you can access it once the 510 pin is removed. The positive post has a long leg on it, you can literally pull it out, it's a shotty press fit. The leg on the positive post goes down vertically, then there's this L shaped piece inside the airflow chamber. The leg of the positive post goes down into this piece, the long line of the L, then it splits off and at the bottom, the horizontal, lower line of the L, the 510 pin goes up and threads through it. Kind like.. this
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The top two lines are the posts, the single bottom line is the 510 pin, the middle horizontal line is the lower L, the middle vertical line is the long vertical slant of the L. You'll have to thread the 510 pin up through the bottom of the L, then get the top portion to press fit back into the leg of the positive post. This is a real bitch to do. Then, you tighten the 510 pin until it starts giving you resistance. STOP. Leave it alone, if you keep screwing it in it'll release and you'll have to start over. These RTA's are, shit. Simply because of this, if you tighten or loosen the 510 pin, it fucks up. If you pull a coil build secured in the posts upward, it pulls the positive post out of the L piece and fucks it up. If you thread it too tightly onto a mod, it can put tension of the LONG (too long, this is why this happens) 510 pin and also fuck it up.