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Gender differences in use and expectancies of e-cigarettes: Online survey results


Under Ground Hustler
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Fucking Paywalls :mad:
Anyway I found my way around this one:

They had this, which I would consider the most important part hidden down in table #2 (Bottom of page 2 of 7) plus they don't even mention it at all in the Abstract and Conclusion (You can guarantee that it will not be in any press release either):

NIH/NIDA funded 2013 Moffitt Cancer Center online survey of 1815 adult vapers who had a history of daily cigarette smoking, and had smoked for at least a year:

- 79% had completely quit smoking cigarettes

- 1% smoked last cigarette >5 years ago

- 23% smoked last cigarette 1-5 years ago

- 20% smoked last cigarette 6-12 months ago

- 34% smoked last cigarette 1-6 months ago

- 95% were daily vapers

- 29% vaped >20 times per day

- 40% vaped 10-20 times per day

- 30% vaped 1-10 times per day

- 83% vaped non tobacco flavorings

- 17% vaped tobacco flavoring

I find this information to be very important but don't expect public health or mainstream media to even give it a mention. - 5150
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a touch oɟɟ
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Member For 4 Years
Nice find.
I'd like to see what that survey would look like done today, given the advancements in delivery and equipment efficiency.


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Member For 4 Years
This part made me laugh:

"Moreover, women were more likely than men to report getting information about e-cigarettes from friends/family, TV media/advertisements, and gas station/cigarette stores, whereas men were more likely to report getting information about e-cigarettes from on-line forums. "
Translation: Women gossip, men research.

Men were also more likely to report using ecigarettes in places where smoking tobacco is not allowed, including both at home and work."

Translation: Men have balls, women don't.


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It was an online survey on a vape forum? Not really a representative sample to be able to draw any conclusions. If a similar survey were held on a nic gum forum, one would expect similar results, but for nic gum...

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