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Getting involved in the community and looking for feedback!!


Been vaping for about six months, started as a way to quite smoking, (finally there), quickly turned into a hobby for both my husband and myself. We love trying new things like juices and builds etc. After some time we joined a couple of juice subscription services and though they were good, found with all of them they were lacking some things we personally were interested in. It's nice to have new juices to try each month, but sucks when you don't like them and your left with 15 or worse 30ml of crap you don't like, and spent decent money on. We also do a lot of looking around for small juice guys just starting out that aren't easy to get your hands on, so we do a lot of connecting on FB. We get a ton of great juices this way, a lot of time the smaller guys will sell 10ml sample bottles too . Because of all this that we've been doing, we thought it might be a great idea to start a subscription service that offers sample sizes, as well as a variety from the "unknown" juicers out there. It would be a way to keep the pricing down and also help out the little guy by promoting their more often than not awesome concoctions. A way for a small business (us) to support other small business (them). We have a lot of other ideas too based on what we find ourselves interested in and seem to see we aren't the only one's with these interests. So, I'm here for feedback, ideas, support, anything you guys have for me.

We started an Indiegogo campaign to try and raise the money to get this business idea off the ground, but it really isn't getting much activity so we are starting to doubt the idea even though we are pretty passionate about it. We have so many good ideas that we think everyone would love, just not sure if we are on the right track?? Help.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
First of all Welcome to VU, Glad you joined up, maybe folks here can brainstorm with you in the E-juice area, your welcome visit that section of the forum to ask your questions.
Enjoy your stay here:)


Will write reviews for Beer!
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Welcome to the Underground!

There are already a couple of places that do what you are talking about.

And a few that have done them very badly.

For example someone signes up and they say the like fruit and candy flavors.

They get their box and it is filled with Tobacco and Beverage flavors.

And other variations on the theme as well.

But I do wish you the best of luck!:D
First of all Welcome to VU, Glad you joined up, maybe folks here can brainstorm with you in the E-juice area, your welcome visit that section of the forum to ask your questions.
Enjoy your stay here:)

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll give that a try as well!!
Welcome to the Underground!

There are already a couple of places that do what you are talking about.

And a few that have done them very badly.

For example someone signes up and they say the like fruit and candy flavors.

They get their box and it is filled with Tobacco and Beverage flavors.

And other variations on the theme as well.

But I do wish you the best of luck!:D

Thanks for the well wishes, but exactly what you stated is why we are looking to try this out ourselves. I think the other subscription companies started with a good vision, but they shot out of the gate too quick and relied on technology to follow through on their promises and in an arena like this you just can't do that. Which is why our focus will be on actual human interaction. Rather than pouring our funds into automation, the majority of our capitol will go into customer service. I have a background in Logistics for 25 yrs, I know how to manage operations efficiently without sacraficing what it really takes to please the customer. My husband has a background in Sales so making connections has been a breeze and at the end of the day, our motives really being to support not only us, but fellow business folks and ultimately provide a service that can actually be appreciated will speak volumumes. I'm rambling though so I'll stop here. I just believe in this so much that I get on my soap box and have to be pushed off...LOL thanks again!!!

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