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Good airflow tank


Member For 4 Years
Member For 3 Years
Just tried out my Smok VCT Pro last night with the .5 coil, and damn. Love the airflow. Makes me want to get a non sub ohm tank that has good flow also (got a device that cant handle sub ohm). I do have a Nautilus Mini, but really not liking the air flow on it.

So in other words, who makes a good air flow non sub ohm tank?


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Kind of a trade off. With large airflow you need more power to vaporize more juice to get good flavor. If you have a device able to supply more power it should be able to subohm. If not then I think your only option currently available is to either rewind your own coils for you VCT Pro or buy a rebuildable atty and take full control of how you like to vape. As a suggestion you could try a goblin which has decent airflow.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So in other words, who makes a good air flow non sub ohm tank?

If your device will operate with 1.2 ohm coils, the Kanger Subtank line is the best option available. The Nano and VTR combo is very popular as well as the Mini with most of the 15 Watt tube mods. The flavor is better than other options and it gives more than respectable vapor production for non cloud chasers. Check your devices specifications as many of these mods won't fire lower than 1.5 ohms.


Member For 4 Years
Member For 3 Years
This would be for a MVP 2.0, I think it said its good down to 1 ohm I11w version). This is just a keep in the car mod. Might just leave it as is. Though I could give that to a friend and pick up a better box mod for the car.

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