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Good evening!


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I've been lurking about the past two months. Decided to just jump in and throw an into post up. Reading these forums has been a blast. I love the DIY. I've always been a fixer type. And since I quit smoking and picked up vaping its been a blast of knowledge and more activities I find my self enjoying around it. Ima try and chime in on the discussions but mostly I'm still in the quiet and listen phase.

Currently I'm using the evic mini with the kanger sub tank mini. Twisted some 26g kanthol for the first time tonight for the rta and my pulls have felt fuller then just making a coil. I am enjoying a batch of strawberry cheese cake that I made last week.

Not sure what else to say. So thanks for reading.

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Welcome to the VU
Good to have you here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hi and welcome to VU, The Evic's are a great mod:) Enjoy the forum and glad you found us!!

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