When buying clones, you never know what you are going to get. So you people who have bought decent orchid clones, who made it and where did you buy it?
Have the Tobeco v2 and its a rock solid tank.. No leaks, No loose fits, nothing.. just a solid piece of gear.Ok. Tobeco have been making pretty solid clones, maybe i go with that. Thanks.
Ok. Tobeco have been making pretty solid clones, maybe i go with that. Thanks.
i have a v3 on the way from fast tech brown box one, they made a good v2 so i gave them a shot on the v3
I am currently loving my Orchid v2.. More flavor than the KFL+, IMO, even though its a non-adjusting airflow.Good thread, thanks.
I've been mulling around if I actually need another atty or not, but the Orchid is tempting.
i need the looks im into that kinda thing and fast tech just listed the v4, great now i may have to make another order lolV3 is "improved" in looks only. Still the same nano sized tank and over-heavy top cap. But sometimes you just gotta have it.
I am currently loving my Orchid v2.. More flavor than the KFL+, IMO, even though its a non-adjusting airflow.
I thought so too... But this v2 seems to be just right for me.Ah, well I do like adjustable air. I have Aquas and a Fogger v4 that I use daily, love 'em.
Never had a KF-type atty. I'm good I think.
Need? Duuuude. You dont need it. You want it. Buy it.Good thread, thanks.
I've been mulling around if I actually need another atty or not, but the Orchid is tempting.
i need the looks im into that kinda thing and fast tech just listed the v4, great now i may have to make another order lol
Need? Duuuude. You dont need it. You want it. Buy it.
Go ahead, its ok.
BUY IT YOU ******!
Come on. Just klick checkout.
Ok, you bought it. Now remorse.
Those are the noises i hear in my head. Sound familiar?
Old School!!!Haha...I was like that about a year ago. Now, not so much.
ATM, I'm vaping a 2 ohm slotted carto in a tank from 2011 on a MVP2 @ 9.5W.
Orchid V4 + Science Of Vaping M-Tank and Science Of Vaping Kayfun hybrid top cap = FTW!
Old School!!!