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Got my first RDA's

Adam Paseman

Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Decided to try out dripping, so jumped in and got 2 RDA's, Mutation X v2 and the Madhatter (which I guess is essentially the freakshow with a flip cap). Built my first (duel) coil set up on each, which was fairly simple to do, and I'm in love.

For anyone out there I'll give a "newbie's" perspective on the two RDA's (both clones)

Madhatter...I like a lot, heard it is essentially the freakshow with bottom air vents, initially had issues with it leaking a lot, but after learning to wic it properly, the leaking isn't any more of an issue than any other I'd guess. Flavor is great, and the flip cap actually is really convenient.

Mutation Xv2, there is a lot more airflow options, seems to produce more vapor than the mad hatter, and still has good flavor. Since this is a clone, it has one small issue, the base only has one rubber gasket as opposed to what I believe is supposed to be 2 on the original, and the top-cap is rather loose, but other than that it does pretty well.

Read a lot of great posts with good info on here so decided to post to perhaps let any other people who might be on the fence know an opinion from a new RDA user.
I have both the Mutation X V2 and the Mad Hatter for daily vapes. Both have a leaking issues if I over fill them. It really doesnt mater what RDA you have you will always get a little juice here and there. I ended up toasting my Istick 50w with juice leak.


Drips in Public
VU Donator
Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Good choices! And, yes, some attys leak like an old man. I have no experience with the Mad Hatter but it is a crowd favorite. I have two Mutation v3s and a v4 and they offer great flavor and vapor.


Member For 4 Years
Good to hear you're liking dripping.
It can become quite a hobby.
I'm up to about 9 which would be roughly 1 a month :)

Adam Paseman

Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Ya it has become a hobby. Picked up 2 more, Darkhorse and a tobh. Live the tobh. That one i almost cant get to leak if i tried.


Member For 4 Years
Ya it has become a hobby. Picked up 2 more, Darkhorse and a tobh. Live the tobh. That one i almost cant get to leak if i tried.

Might have to try a Tobh then.
Have chuff caps that fit one but haven't tried the atty itself.
What's the airflow on it like?


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Might have to try a Tobh then.
Have chuff caps that fit one but haven't tried the atty itself.
What's the airflow on it like?
I have a TOBH v2 and find the airflow too restrictive even when wide open. Here is a TOBH/Derringer comparison if it helps.

Adam Paseman

Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Personally, i love the airflow. I usually vape with it only at 1/3 I guess its all subjective.

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