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Governor, Legislature Clash Over E-Cigarette Regulations


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So, once again we see, like we have seen over and over again in America..A Democrat politican trying to crush vaping or fear monger vaping in order to jusify stealingl from the workers in the form of heavy taxes.and the Republicans fighting back against them.......why is there nobody in the DNC who will support vaping.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
In January 2015, Snyder vetoed two bills that would have banned minors under age 18 from buying or possessing e-cigarettes. In his veto message Snyder said the legislation “does not go far enough,” and that “electronic cigarettes are nicotine-delivery devices that resemble traditional tobacco cigarettes and share a common ingredient, which is the highly addictive chemical nicotine that is derived from tobacco.”

The Senate tried again in May 2015, unanimously passing Senate Bill 231, another Jones-sponsored bill that would ban the sale of e-cigarettes to minors.

Jones said the bill is held up because Snyder’s office wants e-cigarettes to be regulated like tobacco cigarettes, which is something that will never get the Legislature’s support.

This is a battle between Governor Snyder and the legislature - the Governor is a Republican

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