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Green Pleasure by Westcoast Vape Squad (WVS)


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Available exclusively from, as far as I can tell.

I should disclose that I was sent this juice concentrate free of charge by VapeTalo for review purposes.

This juice is supposed to imitate the taste of absinthe liquor, and it does a fairly decent job of it. Now, to be honest, anything that tastes of anise will invariably conjure up either the taste of absinthe, or its post-ban erstaz, Pastis. And since anise is such a simple and powerful flavoring, it's not too hard to get something convincing. But this juice is different.

Here's a photo of the concentrate (on the left), and a bottle of 6 mg nic juice I made with the following ingredients (on the right):

- 20% concentrate,
- 65% VG
- 10% deionized water
- 5% saline solution


At first, you think not much steeping is needed: after 24 hours, it punches you in the face full force. But there's an funny effect that happens when you let it rest for a while longer: when it's still young, the juice tastes distinctly of several different flavors - anise, citrus, a touch of menthol, and possibly a little liquorice but I'm not too sure. When it ages, the overall flavor doesn't change, but it feels as if all of these flavors have truly blended into one. It's the same juice, but it stops having multiple personalities, if the metaphor makes any sense.

It really does taste of absinthe - although, having only sampled "new" absinthe and never pre-ban absinthe (I'd have to be rich for that :)), I don't really know if it's true to the original liquor. Also, it tends to be tiring after a while. At least, anything anise-flavored does that to me.

Now, my big beef with it: it's dayglo green, meaning it's been colored. I don't like food coloring in my juices, because the fewer chemicals I put in my lungs, the better.

Apart from that, it's definitely worth a try.

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