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Greetings from NC!


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Hello Everyone!

I just joined a couple of days ago and made my first post in the RDA section. Figured I should post up an official introduction here to share my vaping journey. I've been a smoker on and off since I was 18, but for the last 15 years I was a regular smoker fluctuating between a half a pack to pack a day depending on what was going on that day. I started vaping when I learned about Blu e-cig's a few years ago, after repeated attempts at quitting failed (the patch, Chantix, cold turkey you name it). I managed to quit for 6 months on a blu e-cig setup eventually switching to a V2 e-cig. As usual though, a stressful day made me go back to smoking.

3 years ago I attempted to quit again by vaping when I saw all these new Ego setups. I got a basic ego setup with a disposable tank, and some juice with 24mg of nicotine in it. That setup worked great and eventually evolved into a vv ego battery (5v max) and ending off with an Aspire Nautilus mini tank. That setup would served me well but I was still doing the "hybrid vaping" where I was vaping at work and smoking at home. I eventually upgraded the battery to a MVP 2.0. Basically to keep myself into vaping I would upgrade my equipment thinking it would help me stick to it. But I'd always smoke when I'd feel the need and make excuses for it. Last year I got chronic bronchitis and haven't been able to shake it. The doc put me on inhalers to help stop the coughing and I've been on them since (I hate it....). I started to become complacent with what I was doing until one day my coughing was so bad I hurt one of my ribs. At the same time, due to my condition, vaping was brutal... I would cough really hard no matter what kind of hits I took.

I figured I should really get serious about quitting or this will evolve into something worse or fatal. Being married with 3 kids and having a wife that smokes as well was making this all very difficult. This past spring, everything just hit for some reason. If I don't quit I might as well just bury myself now. I was relying on too many external factors to make myself quit (basically just excuses to smoke... the kids are stressing me out, work sucks, my wife does it and has no issues so I should be able to as well... etc etc..). I really needed to commit; that meant quitting cold turkey or getting intimate with vaping. I never wanted to get 'hardcore' into vaping as I thought that wasn't for me. I also wanted to influence my wife and wanted to show her how simple things are with it. She doesn't like complicated stuff for some reason. But I said to myself "wife vaping or no wife vaping, it doesn't matter... I'm going head on with it".

One things still stood in my way... coughing off the e-cig juice. I started to research what was making me cough and messed around with higher amount of VG in my juice. Turns out the PG was irritating my throat so I switched to 100% VG juice. I also learned about sub-ohm vaping and upgraded from an MVP 2.0 to a 3.0 and purchased a SubTank Mini. I tried guilty pleasures 100% VG juice but I really didn't like the flavor, and the fact that they recommend the juice be vaped out of a 2.2 ohm setup on an ego style battery (my sub ohm build burned the hell out of that juice). I found Velvet Cloud 100% VG juice and stuck with it as it was meeting all my needs and giving me what I wanted. I still ping ponged between vaping and smoking until the middle of May when I decided to severely cut back on the smokes. Then one night... I dropped my MVP 3.0 and screwed up the battery and tank. It was back to smoking ... again.

After a week, I didn't like the way I was feeling. So one payday I went to the vape store and purchase a Smok XPro m80 Plus, and a brand new Sub Tank. I was really into the RBA side of the Sub Tank and replaced it with an Orchid V7 a week later. This setup got me down to maybe 2 smokes a day if that. Last week, after speaking with a friend about everything I took the plunge and bought my first RDA, a Mutation X V4. I can't believe I've avoided RDA's this long. Maybe it was the turn off from mech mods as I didn't really want to get into those, maybe its because of the new regulated box mods. Either way, the Mutation really satisfies my cravings and I'm happy to say now, I'm smoke free!

There is something in smokes that my body absolutely craves, but I just start puffing away on my RDA and the craving is gone.

It sucks I had to sink so much money into this, but either way I've figured out what it takes to make me not smoke. Now... I just have to influence my wife as she can see that I don't really want to smoke anymore. I'll still go out with her when she smokes, but the RDA keeps my cravings away.

Sorry for the long post, but I hope it tells you something about my journey and helps someone out there.


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Welcome to the VU. If you need any help with your quitting the smokes and can't find it already here, just ask and we can help.


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Welcome to the VU. If you need any help with your quitting the smokes and can't find it already here, just ask and we can help.

Thanks! Yeah its been an uphill battle even with the vaping. I can really tell theres another chemical in those evil analogs that keep me hooked. But so far so good ever since I switched to an RDA.


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Welcome to VU, keep up the good fight against the stinkies! Vape on!


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