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greetings & salivations


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Member For 4 Years
before getting to my intro, I just need you to fully undersand that you are all truly evil & I'm starting to despise each & every one of you :p

having smoked Nat shermans for about the past 20 or so years, I really was turned off by the "normal" analogs (marb, winston, etc)

Surprisingly, I've never suffered from any KNOWN smoking related illness, yet in the back of my mind, I knew I should quit.

I started down the slippery slope of vaping with Blu: only to move on to the triton G6 by halo. I found that it was a pita to be carrying around extra tanks (one may want to switch flavors in the middle of the day, after all) & various juices & extra batteries, so I "upgraded" to the Triton (also by Halo).

my issue with the Triton was that even at the "larger size" (compared to the g6), I was still having to change tanks/batteries & such multiple times daily: sometimes it's a rather difficult endeavor while one is piloting an 80,000 pound truck down the interstate.

One day on a job site, a co-worker was vaping on his Aspire sub ohm mod: got me thinking right away about upgrading...ventured to a local smoke shop & ended up with an istick 30W & an atlantis. bought 3 more atlantis' online & an additional 2 batteries.

I wasn't totally thrilled with the atlantis at first, due to their limited capacity (about the same as the triton), so I also got a couple Nautilus tanks...and THEN found out about the 5 ml extensions..VIOLA!!!! I've been saved!!!

over several weeks, I found myself gravitating more towards the atlantis & away from the nautilus (both nautilus are for sale :D), but was iffy with respect to the "lasting power" of the 30W: As i've been happy with the istick, I chose to upgrade to the 50W & couldn't be happier

I'm somewhat ocd with respect to cleaning my tanks & usually prefer to thoroughly clean them (including the coils) before switching flavors: I use 2 different tanks & flavors per day, so I could only go 2 days before I had to clean them...screw it! I bought 6 more atlantis tanks: at least I'll be able to go at least 5 days between cleanings :cool:

so why the hate, yoiu may ask: simple..while looking online for some different juices, I came across a discussion on the 50W on here...started browsing & then googling vaping mods, etc...just ordered a freakshow RDA & a penny style rda & mod.....CAN'T YOU SEE, YOU'RE PUSHING ME DOWN THIS SLIPPERY SLOPE & i'M NOT SURE IF i'M EVER GONNA STOP!!!!!!!!!!


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
LOL - and welcome :)

Nope, it'll never end. Shineyitis is more addictive than smoking. But that's a good thing, no?


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Great intro and welcome. Think of the slippery slope like a water park ride, lots of fun. And contrary to smoking cigarettes, you don't crash into a big cement slab at the end of the journey.


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Welcome to the VU
Never ending spending


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
thanks, all: guess now what I'm looking for would be the "out of the ordinary" looking rda's to start collecting...pretty much they all look similar, but one, for instance, that tends to stick out is the sovereign (or the clone) any other suggestions on "off the wall" rda's?


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ECF Refugee
I hardly think that having shiny-thing-itus is a result of the evilness on the part of other vapers. :p

That said, I remember having the same problem about three months into vaping. It was 2013 then so the rage was Kanger t-3s and VV egos. And it is a problem that never really goes away. Every time I step into my local B&M I end up dropping at least $50. The atlantis is a good head, I have one, and like it a lot. That said I tend to stick with the nautilus myself as I tend to prefer more nicotine and find that I just cant handle it while sub-ohming. But to each their own.

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