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Member For 4 Years
I am a newbie to vaping.

After trying some ego style pens a couple years ago and a couple hundred $s spent, I couldn't stick with it because I was unsatisfied and it made me cough immediately when inhaling, almost every time.

I quit cigarettes cold turkey this past summer but have slipped up after a few drinks and had the occasional Black and Mild cigar(apparently I am not supposed to inhale cigars, who knew?), so hubby broke out the pens again just to try quitting tobacco completely. I am having the hardest time with anxiety and stress without smoking and was unable to feel better with the pens with 12mg juice, so my husband surprised me with a mod last night after going to the shop for coils or whatnot. I guess our stuff was really outdated. :-/

Low and behold I can feel the nicotine from this!!! It is a Smok Alien kit with the baby beast attached with the coil that comes in it. He brought a juice that has 3mg nicotine, saying that the other juice is too strong for the more powerful mod. The juice he brought is 70vg/30pg.

I actually didn't hate vaping off this thing and it definitely takes care of the nicotine delivery, but I am a little worried about watts, temp, ohms, and powerful batteries. I really don't know about these things and need to learn for my safety and a better experience from vaping than I previously had. So far, it is good and not the awful experience I had with the pens.

Are there any preffered settings that are good to start out with? because I am a little lost there. I get some sweet droplets in my mouth sometimes and it is not the most pleasant thing. I would like to minimize the spitting or whatever that is


It's VG/PG not PG/VG
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Your tank supports VW and not TC, if TC is turned on you'll need to turn it off.
There are several types of heads available for you tank each with it's own recommended wattage range, to know which one you're using you'll have to look at the head.

The spitback you describe is most likely caused by setting the wattage too low or by having the airflow closed too much.

Thank you hubby he got you a great kit :)
Oh and welcome to VU.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Thanks for your response, info and encouragement.
Indeed I looked up the reviews on this thing and am pleased with it, hubby, and of course the salesman who recommended a good product to us noobs.

I have it on watt mode

the core says .4ohm
40-80 w
best 55-65w

I was unaware about it not working in temperature control. The thing is that I don't know what metal the wire or coil thing is to set it at, and even if it matters in watt mode. I have this nagging fear that it doesn't automatically have the right settings for the core that it is in. The machine is saying .445 ohms and I just don't know...
I just put it up to 55w and air wide open and I get the droplets in my mouth. I guess it was flooded somehow, I just don't know how to fix it. :-I


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Welcome to the VU. Sounds like you got a good set up to start with. As long as your within the mods range your safe and if your out of range the mod will error and not fire. The coil will have a watt range printed on it, with the quad coil I'm usually around 60 watts.

Respect the battery as it is powerful enough to do some serious damage. When there in the mod your ok but if not in the mod ALWAYS keep them in a case. If you short the + and - poles you'll be surprised how fast you'll be in deep doggy do-do.

The coils that come with it are Kanthal and are for watt mode Nickel and titanium are for TC. Stainless steel is for both

Asking questions is the smart thing to do but remember sometimes smart folks have bad info, also read the relevant sections of the forum and you'll learn a lot. It sometimes takes a while to sort out your vaping style but it will come. Welcome to vaping.
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Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Oh thanks for welcomes and battery info. I have been reading, and reading... Scary battery stories are abound! I am rethinking all of my previous battery treatment for regular duracells and such. I have thrown them in all kinds of containers together, and with other metal things, without a thought! :-O

Now I have been a little nervous since last night, but I am sure I will get over it as I learn more. lol


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Regular batteries are low current and we all treat them badly as their not likely to cause a problem if shorted but vaping batteries are very high current and will bite you if not respected. Don't fear them just show them a little respect and everything will be fine.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Welcome to the forum - and congrats on not smoking.

Don't be afraid to play with the wattage to find your own personal sweet spot. You'll know it when you feel it :)


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To get rid of any excess juice spit-back, just twist the corner of a napkin and dab it down inside the coil. A slim Q-tip may work, too.
What juice are you using?


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I am using a 70vg/30pg juice that says: naked menthol 100 Very cool. Well it is hard to tell the order of the names but "naked" seems to be the brand name. lol Whatever, hubby probably brought it home hoping that the menthol will be stimulating enough to keep me from inhaling cigars again. ;-)

It tastes sweet with mild menthol. Smells like a strawberry flavored candy. Exactly like a strawberry bottle pop. Surprisingly, I really like it though when I thought I would have chosen something vanilla or creamy or whatnot. I really like those as well... hehe

It is all I have for now other than some small amounts of year and a half old 12 mg tobacco flavored and vanilla sky that are probably all pg.

Edit: Oh and thanks for the qtip tip. Where are my manners?
Edit again: I somehow missed the whole flavor name the first time.
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You're welcome. Hope it helps.
Reason I asked is I just discovered my new cinnamon dusted doughnut 70vg is leaking through my Baby tank. Picked it up and got a mouthful of juice, and a wet hand.:eek:
Cinnamon flavors are known to be unfriendly to seals and plastics. Refilled it with pina colada and it stopped leaking, lol.

My manners are slipping, too.
Welcome to VU :wave:

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